
I jumped quickly turning to him,"Yeah?" I stammered.

He frowned eyeing me,"You okay? You keep dozing off"

I awkwardly nodded. The thought of school was truly was getting to me because there I'd see him. Not only that but I was just thinking of so many random things.

"Yeah I'm just thinking of stuff. Nothing serious" I shrugged off hoping to convince him but I could he didn't believe me.

"Your not a good lair"

I scoffed offended,"For your information I'm a very good lair."

"Maybe to others but you know you can never lie to me" he said before exiting the car since we arrived at Mindge.

I stared at the wheel biting my lower lip. What he said was true. It was hard to ever lie to Nick. He was always good at when people were telling the truth or not. He's a very observant person.

I sighed grabbing my bag before getting out the car as Nick leaned against the hood of it. I walked over to him as we then walked side by side.

Nick kept going on about the stuff on his cousins wedding being one of the biggest weddings in Singapore history but I couldn't pay attention to him.

Not with everyone suddenly looking at us. Nick wasn't paying attention since he was too into what he was saying. But the way people looked at us didn't ease me. It was like something big happened.

"Nick everyone's staring" I said and he stopped talking. He looked around as he too noticed,"Oh it's probably because of me. I do have some good looks" he smirked but I rolled my eyes disagreeing,"No, I don't think so. Something just isn't right."

Nick rolled his eyes slinging his arms over my shoulders,"Relax princess. I'm sure it's nothing."

I bit my lower lip hoping he was right. We continued through Midge as Nick phone suddenly rung,"Wait I'll be right back. It's my Mom calling me" he said.

I smiled remembering how they both had a close relationship.

"Just go answer" I smiled saying as I slightly pushed him away. He playfully rolled his eyes at me before walking away to answer the call.

Nick and his mom had the cutest relationship. Which is something rare since rich parents always try to treat their children like shit. But Nick and his mom weren't like that. They cared for one another and spoiled each other. Another thing I was jealous of about Nick.

While going to my locker I grabbed a couple of things before I felt someone slam my locker shut and threw the things in my hand to the ground.

I quickly turned to them as I saw it was Seoyeon pissed. I was about to take her hand off of me but she immediately slapped me across the face causing everyone to look at us.

My hand automatically went to my slapped cheek shocked,"Yah Seoyeon!"

"I thought I warned you to keep the shit to ourselves. Instead you exposed me to everyone!" She screamed.

I laughed humorlessly,"What the hell are you talking about? I didn't tell anyone anything. So don't go slapping people if you don't know crap" I snapped as I grabbed my things and walked past her about to go down the stairs but she somehow caught up to me and hit the back of my head hard.

I winced surprised yet again. What did she want? Did she think I wouldn't do anything back? She pressing my buttons hard.

I turned to her,"I'm not done with you" she growled pulling her phone out. She showed me an article immediately seeing the head title.


My heart dropped to my stomach as she snatched her phone out of my hand. I slowly looked at her. How did this get out? This was in the hidden documents. How did someone manage to break in them?

Seoyeons face had tears but her eyes looked pure black.

"Yah Huang Kiara, I'm done with your family. You think your the only victim? Look at this! You make me want to kill you just like I did with your sister" Seoyeon grabbed my arm and pushed me toward the stairs.

I stumbled back scared as I was expecting my back to hit the hard stairs but I collided with someone as they wrapped their arm around me.

I yelled out as we both fell down to stairs. The person hug onto me, covering me as we rolled down the stairs. I weakly felt dizzy as I felt my head and arm hurt from the impact.

When we got to the bottom I couldn't focus on the voices going around us. I slowly turned, looking at the person who held me.

I widened my eyes as I saw Nick. Blood was coming out of his head. My chest heaved as I got up hesitantly touched his arm,"N—Nick? Nick wake up!" I begged shaking his body.

His eyes remained shut as I continued to shake him.

I looked around as students began to surround us,"Call an ambulance! Call an ambulance!" I screamed out.

Students pulled their phones out while I looked down at Nick,"Oh god I'm so sorry" I cried,"Please wake up."



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Mark Tuan as Wu Nick

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