Love and Hate Exchanged

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Slowly stripping away from my clothes I had managed to take off my jackets and shirt off. I went to take my pants off but suddenly Si had pulled me to his bare chest.

I widened my eyes trying to pull away but he held me tighter having the blanket and clothes cover us,"I'm trying to save you. Just lie still. You'll get warmer, I promise" he breathed out.

He had a a point. I was being too stubborn right now. He's just trying to help. I should be helping him too.

I put my hands on his chest putting my body more closer to him. I shut my eyes facing my head down,"You need to get warm too.."

"We both will. Just sleep, we'll be able to leave in the morning" he assured, putting my head under his.

God this has to be the most embarrassing thing either of us have had to do. How the hell am I going to face him again.. maybe I should've stayed inside.

When I felt the sunlight shine down at my face I instantly woke up. I groaned lowly. I rubbed my eyes to readjust my vision noticing the fire Si had heat up the night before was now out.

God I can't believe we actually slept here, naked.

I put my hands into my face in embarrassment. God I can't believe we slept here! I cringed mentally screaming.

Luckily Si is asleep so no one else can see us.

Suddenly the door busted opened. I screamed out gripping onto the sheets pulling it to my chest.

"What happened!?" Si panicked instantly sitting up.

"Oh my god" two foreigners entered looking at us confused.

"What are you two doing?" One questioned in English.

These men looked like workers. Aish, this is so embarrassing!

I turned to Si who too looked flustered,"Lets just get changed" I mumbled to him.

He nodded,"Change first."

I gave him a crazy look,"No, tell them to get out first."

The guys looked at us debating on what to do but Si quickly pointed to the door,"Get out."


After changing back into our dry clothes Si began to carry me when he noticed I was taking too much time walking.

Luckily we were almost there to the cabin.

"Can you promise me one thing?" Si suddenly blurted out. I raised an eyebrow,"What is it?"

"Can you not do things to worry me? I was worried sick all night" he confessed.

You weren't the only one worrying..

"I'll try" I sighed.

Si suddenly stopped in his tracks. Whoa what happened? I went to ask but he put me down quickly turning to me pissed,"I mean it Kiara. I'm always worrying about you. You never let me in and I see you in trouble yet you refuse to let a single word out. Do you think I'm that useless? Am I really nothing to you?"

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