The Dragon

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Persona sat as far back as the cushioned seat would let her, but she still felt too close to the man sitting across from her. Seto was already a tall man but being in such a tight space made him appear gigantic. He didn't seem to have a weapon on him but in this maze of monsters he probably didn't need one to kill her. Like with Joey and Mai, any monstrous traits he might have were hidden away. When he demanded an explanation, Persona was not sure what to say. She didn't want to give up and die but she also didn't want him to find Yugi and Joey. Mai would surely be in trouble when they arrive at her shop and wished she had a way to warn her. A low growling came from the man's throat making Persona grip her seat as the sound he made was inhuman.

"Girl, I will give you one more chance to answer me." His eyes glowed an unearthly blue that made the girl shiver even more.

Seto controlled his seething rage from blasting this girl into oblivion as the carriage bounce along the road. The human they all were looking for was hiding right under their nose and all it took was a glamour charm for her to enter the castle! He was expecting to find that her true identity was either ugly or old, but not this! The shame was too much to bear, and he was temped to have them turn around, so he could throw her at his cousin feet. Whatever came next would be none of his concern. However, he remembered that she was working with that troublesome sprite. A sinking feeling of horror filled him as he started to wonder how much Yami had told her about them and the maze. Just this evening he offered information to her!

Seto reached out and grabbed her by her shoulders snarling, "Where is that sprite! Tell me where he is!" Yugi was a known conspirator and do to his race was underestimated in his cleverness and intelligence. Yami simply saw him as pest to be easily dealt with but Seto knew that not seeing to his death himself would come back to haunt them, but not like this. "How close is he to solving the maze!" He shouted as his hands started to burn. Persona clenched her mouth shut and turned her head away from him.

"I am growing tired of waiting! Answer me!"

The girl flinched at his tone but then took a deep breath and looked him the eye and moved her head side to side. She was not going to talk. Seto roared, shoving her back and hitting the side of the cart, nearly making a hole. The window slot to the drive opened and a gruff voice asked if everything was alright. Seto snapped at the driver to keep going and slammed the window shut then locking it. His cold blue eyes then flashed at the girl as he raised a hand. Persona stayed silent as Seto's pale hand grew white scales and silver claws. A blue flame burst around it making the girl jump with a cry.

"Fine, if you won't talk then I'll just get rid of you. I'm sure that Mai woman has to know something and will be more cooperative."

"No, please- "Her voice died in her throat as his deadly aura filled the cart. There was no chance of putting up a fight as his eyes froze her to her seat. His power was so suffocating that her fight or flight instincts went numb. The look of horror on her face did little to quail his anger as he question if killing her would be a wise decision. Yami was clearly fond of the girl, but who knows how he would react if he found out what he was showering his affection on. Damnit! And when everything was going so well.

Yami had forgotten all about the human and was following his role more dutifully. He tended to the maze carefully and was not as violent with the staff. Seto himself wasn't trusting of the castle staff so he would listen in on passing rumors and gossip. He found that even they had noticed the effect Persona had on the Demon King and from that the most absurd idea was born. No, a hope, that perhaps the King would fully accept his role and stay forever as their King with a Queen at his side. It was absurd because there was no way Yami could possibly want that! Even if he did, she was not what she seemed.

The King's Maze (Yami x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon