Epilogue Part 6: Together

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This is it guys! The very end of this story! When I started, I had planned for it to be a much shorter story. I know I keep saying thank you, but I have to say over and over because it was only through your encouraging support that I was able to write this much of this story.

I hope you stick around to read my other works but if not, thank you still. This book was a lot to read for a fan fic, so I really appreciate the time you took to read, vote and comment.

So, one more, Thank you 😊❤️


Joey was laughing hysterically as Persona finished reading the news report from her phone about the strange Halloween incident. After they left the tomb, Seto went back through the gate to bring Wormwood back with him and to have Huarwar start work on a special spell. Persona took the girls home with Milda and Mai, while the others dealt with the mess the White Sorcerer had made. All of the lost people where led out of the corn field and since there were no buses to take them back, Seto and Wormwood just sent them straight home via a group teleportation spell. The result ended in a mass reporting of a cult abduction. However, when the media and the police got to the scene that next day, both the field and the tomb where gone. In the end, the abduction was labeled as an elaborate Halloween prank.

"Haha, I can't believe that something that crazy was easily covered up! The people in your world are so easy to fool!" Joey said with another laugh.

"I have to agree," Yugi commented sheepishly, "It's not like we did a good job to hide everything. Seto didn't even bother wiping anyone's memory and Atem just set everything on fire and I had to wash away all the burnt remains."

"Well, I mean, he did wait for everyone to go home before setting everything on fire, right?" Persona asked hopefully. Yugi looked away as Joey laughed harder as he said, "You should have seen the people's faces!"

Persona shook her head and sighed as Mai touched her hand, "I'm sure it was just so he could come home sooner."

"Yeah, but it's not like we were going anywhere," Persona huffed as she put away her phone. "I think it was because I wouldn't leave with him right away," she said to herself.

It was a sunny Saturday afternoon in the white castle's gardens and the three friends were taking a walk around the grounds when they stop to watch their children play. Under the bright sun, little Mai and Hiba where playing a game of tag with the blonde hair wolf pups of Joey and Mai. Persona breathed in the sweet air and had to admit the world here was nicer than the other maze. She still didn't feel comfortable coming here, but it was part of the compromise Seto put forward. Her and the girls would at least spend the weekend here and the rest of the week back in their world, so the girls could go to school and she could work her shop. Milda was relieved at the idea since she also wanted to stay in the human world to have her baby.

Yami just about burst into flames at the idea that he would have to wait seven days, but did his best to remain calm since little Mai was watching him. Seto explained that since he now knew where they were, another gate could be made in the home where Persona and the girls lived. Right now, Seto and Yami where back at her apartment setting up the gate with Wormwood on their end and Huarwar on this end. There was no reason for Yami to go but Persona suspected that he was still upset with her.


Persona jumped as she heard Mai saying her name loudly. "Persona dear, are you alright?" She asked looking worried.

"Yes, sorry, what were you saying?"

"I said that it was nearly lunch time, and the kids will let themselves starve if we don't call them in now."

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