The Garden

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Art by less end.

Night was finally here and, not to the surprise of the king, all the hunters turned up empty handed. Many gave up long ago and went back to their homes to sleep for a few hours so that they could hunt again in the night. Others refused to give up and claim that they will hunt till the next day. Though he was not surprised Yami was a tad disappointed that there was no new news of the human. He entered the courtyard where his cousin was busy supervising the large crates the goblins were bringing up from the cellar. The crates were wrapped in heavy chains that rattled as the beings inside struggle to get lose. One of the goblins did not watch its step and stumbled forward dropping its side of the crate. A small crack was made, and a black mist appeared from it that grabbed on to the green creature and hung it upside down. It screamed for help, but the king walked on by without a care. Seto gritted his teeth and barked at the other goblins to be more careful. He then took off the whip hanging on his hip and cracked it at the black mist. Blue electricity crackled from the whip making the mist throw down its captive. The creature scampered off back into the castle as its companions chuckled quietly to themselves.

Yami also chuckled at the sight as Seto glared down at him. 

"You could have been more helpful." Seto grumbled.

"Oh, but I am here to help," Yami grinned. "My shadow demons need a little encouragement and I'm here to do just that."

Seto eyed him warily as he wondered what he could have meant by that. When all ten crates were gathered in the courtyard all the goblins made it a point to leave. Each crate rattled and bounce in their spots and Seto stepped forward and cleared his voice then said, "Demons, your king is here to address you!"

All the crates stopped moving to show not only that they were listening but also in respect. Yami smirked as he stood looking at each crate.

"My demons, you have all failed me! A human was reported to me last night by a goblin and not a single one of you claim to have seen her or knew of her existence." Yami's eyes could see the chains rattling but the crates did not move. They're angry, good. "I will give you all one last chance tonight to fix this mistake. Bring her to me and bring her unharmed. If you fail me again tonight or if you bring her damage, I will personally cull all of you! Now go!"

The chains popped off the crates and the wood fell apart as a hundred shadow demons from each crate flew into the air to find their prey. Yami turned and watched them all disappear into the maze, wishing once again that he could go with them. Seto had order the squads of goblins and orcs into the maze to hunt as well. Off in the distance the wolf patrols could be heard howling as they set off to keep the law in the Demon King's maze. Seto sighed as he ready himself for the long night. He glanced over at his shorter cousin then walked up to him.

He could see the longing in Yami's eyes as he looked out at the exit of the castle grounds. He sighed again and bowed to him saying, "My king, let us go inside and watch their progress from your sitting room. I have arranged some light entertainment as well."

Yami swallowed as he tightened his fist. He wanted to tell Seto that he could take his light entertainment and shove it up his tight ass. The longer he stared at the gate that slowly closed as the last squad left the more, he wanted to run out of there. However, pride kept him rooted to that spot as the iron gates creak to a close. He had made a deal long ago and he will not lose this game no matter the cost. 

"Fine," He strained out, "but it better not be whores- "

"It's nothing like that." Seto scoffed as his face twisted in disgust. 

Though that might be an idea for a later date to loosen the stress, he thought fleetingly. "I merely meant that I found a few dark elf's that claim to excel at games and the head vampire of the Northern Outskirts as sent you a bottle of their finest red wine."

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