Hope for a Future

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(Persona POV)


"How long do they expect us to stay in here?" Mai asked.

Mai leaned back on her hand as she sat in my bed holding a glass of water. The servants always kept a fresh pitcher in my room. Milda offered Yugi a glass but he declined with a small shake of his head. He sat at my small sitting table that held the water and I was seated at my vanity. Yami's room hand more space, but neither of us felt like waiting in there, for varies reasons. Again, the door leading out to the hall was gone and the door leading to Yami's room was closed with Bora standing guard in front of it. Milda would have gotten rid of the windows to but would have felt too claustrophobic.

I glanced at a small clock on my vanity. We have sat here chatting with no news for two hours. Mai looked out the window seeing the darken night and sighed. "Can't we at ask what's going on? I mean, I would have thought the battle would be over by now."

Milda turned and bowing her head to Mai. "Sorry Ms. Mai, but Master Clyde made it clear the no one is to leave till either the king or Lord Seto returns. This area is the safest part of the castle."

I frowned at her well-meaning words. Images of Zelda hanging skinless at my door flashed in my mind. A shiver fell down my back, but I shook away the panic that tried to push it down. Still, I had to be sure that we would be safe. "Are you sure that the elders did enough to secure this floor?" Milda glanced at me and handed me the glass Yugi refused.

"Yes, my lady. There will be no incident this time."

"What incident?" Yugi asked. Milda paused and glanced worriedly at me. After taking a sip of the cool water, I told Yugi what had happened the night of the ball. About the friend I nearly made and what had happen to her. I told him that we already knew who murder her was, but with no proof we were forced to frame Clyde, so we could bring him to the castle without attracting suspicion. I also told him that neither the elders or Seto could figure out the detail of her death or how her body was brought to my room without being seen.

When I had finished Mai made a small sniffing sound. Yugi and I both looked at her as Milda offered her a handkerchief. She thanked the ghoul then dab at her eyes. "Madam Plum told me about Zelda." She said. I had forgotten that Mai knew Zelda.

"Mai, I sorry."

The harpy shook her head sending thick locks of gold bouncing around her shoulders. "The both of you told me enough. Zelda had always had it rough, but she was a harpy girl till the end. May you find peace, dear Zelda and thank you for keeping my friend safe." Mai said then pause for a moment before taking another drink.

Yugi breathed in then asked Mai carefully. "Did you know that there was a guest that liked tormenting the king's hired escorts?"

Mai nodded. "I knew, Yugi. I wasn't planning on sending Persona alone. She was supposed to sneak us in remember? But then the king threw a big fat wrench into our plans, along with his cousin." I coughed looking away. Did she really have to bring that up now?

Yugi sat back in his chair crossing his arms. His lips set into a thin line as he thought about what he had heard. He then turned to Milda asking, "Other then the guards in the hallway is there anything else keeping us safe?"

"Yes." Milda said setting down the pitcher. "The elders have reenchanted the wing and the floors below. No one will be able to step foot near here without alarming someone. The rooms have also been swept for any cures."


Milda 'eep' from misspeaking and I again had to explain how one of my dresses nearly squeezed me to death.

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