A Paradise in Hell Part 2

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"Persona, there is something you should know..."


Persona sat back to face Yami and just as he was about to speak a loud rumbling noise was heard then felt at their feet. They stayed sitting and when the rumbling ended, they were about to get up when the room started rumbling again but harder. Yami guided Persona away from the couch and used his cape to protect them from the falling debris. The rumbling turned to shaking and Persona felt Yami push her down against a wall and yelled for her to close her eyes. The shaking of the room intensified rocking the couch they had been on till it fell over. Persona could hear the castle falling apart around them but kept her eyes shut and head buried in Yami's chest. She tried listening to anything other then her own heart pounding with his, but the only other sound was parts of the ceiling falling and breaking of glass from the other side of the room. Then slowly the shaking lessened but Yami told her to stay still, to wait. Soon it all came to a stop and Yami hesitantly looked up to make sure it was safe for them.

"It's alright Persona."  He reassured then asked worriedly, "Are you hurt?"

"No, I'm fine." She breathed out then stood up with him to see that the room they were in was a mess. There were cracks on the walls and all the windows were broken but the room was still in one piece, mostly. 

(Persona POV)

Yami glanced up warily and saw how some of the cracks in the walls crept into the ceiling overhead, "We shouldn't stay here, can you walk?" He asked offering me his hand

"Yes." I turned away from the wreckage and took his hand. The floor was covered in dust and glass, so I was careful where I stepped. Overhead we could hear the giant crystal chandelier swaying ominously. I stopped walking when I saw that the door was blocked by wreckage cause by the quake.

"Stay here Persona, I'll clear our path." Yami said moving in front of me.

"Do you think the others are okay?" I asked as he thought on the best way to clear the door without bring the top floor on us.

"I'm sure Seto is." He said looking over his shoulder to throw me a reassuring smile. "Wouldn't be surprise if he showed up any minute now, and ready to blame me for this mess." Just as he finished speaking, we heard the voice of the dragon from the other side of the door.

"My King! Lady Amelia! Are you alright in there?" Yami's smile widen as I let out a breath of relief.

"We're fine, but the door is block by a part of the ceiling." Yami called out. The creaking of the chandelier grew louder and the floor above our heads groaned. "We're going to need to get out sooner than later Seto." We heard mumbling from the other side then Seto's voice cried out again. "Get as far back from the door as you can."

Yami and I moved back than got close to the wall as a blue flame ignited and consumed the wreckage within seconds along with the door. Seto waited for the flame to settle down before waving us over. Part of the ceiling behind me fell but I was able to move away in time. Quickly we moved out of the room and just as we left the chandelier was heard crashing to the ground. A few moments later the entire ceiling was heard falling to the ground sending a cloud of dust out the door. Both Yami and Seto shield us from the cloud that spread out in the hallway with their capes. When they lowered them, they both sighed at the new mess.

"Well this is just splendid.", Yami commented then looked up at his cousin who had blood drying on his torn sleeve, "Cousin, are you alright?"

"I'll live", Seto said with a huff turning the material away from our eyes, "though this couldn't have happened at a worse time. I was just coming to fetch you to start the assembly again when the earthquake hit."

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