The Fear of Temptation

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"Enter." The door to Seto's office opened as Joey quickly walked in, closing the door behind him. He said nothing as he walked up to the tidy desk Seto sat behind. Steel blue eyes glance up and a small smirk formed on his lips as Seto sat back in his chair.

"I must admit that I didn't think you would give in so quietly. Not that I gave you much of a choice." Joey gave a slight growled but said nothing. Seto glance back down at the papers he had in front of him and asked, "Was the patrol leader pleased to see you? You've been avoiding them for so long."

The blond huffed as he crossed his arms saying, "That kiss ass is no leader. If he was, I would have been caught long ago. If I had to join, I'm glad it happen like this." Seto hummed saying, "Another surprise, we agree on something."

A hand motioned for the wolf to sit in the chair across from him while he signed a document. Joey obey without a fuss and waited quietly for Seto to look back up at him. The dragon eventually did since he felt it was out of character for the wolf to be so obedient. Joey's brown eyes flicked to the small stack of blank paper and writing tools sitting on the desk, then back to Seto.

Seto's brows furrowed and gave a small nod. Joey spoke as he reached out for the items, "So, how is this going to work? The patrol leader didn't seem to know what to do with me."

"That is because you will be under my direct command and will take orders only from me starting today. There will be no need for you to speak to the other wolves."

"Good to know." Joey pushed the paper towards him and Seto gave it a quick glance. Yugi is here with me. He wants to talk to you. Seto internally groaned saying, "You can wait out side while I deal with this matter. Inform me if any disturbances appear."

Joey stood from his seat then opened his coat to let Yugi fly out from his hiding spot. Yugi swiftly landed on the desk then looked back up at Joey, giving him a reassuring nod. The wolf nodded back and walked out to stand guard. When the door close Seto snapped his fingers just as he had done in the carriage with Persona. "Welcome back little sprite. Is there something you need?"

"First off, my name is Yugi, and second, I don't trust you." Yugi looked up defiantly into the cold blue eyes of the Demon King's cousin. "I want to know why you are helping us."

"You miss understand. I'm not helping you. It is you who is helping me." Yugi rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms saying, "Your King has made it clear that he does not want the maze solved so why are you now letting me solve it?"

Seto leaned back with a sigh. He did not want to do this right now, not when the castle was about to receive a large number of guests that could turn into traders in a moments notice. "As I said last night, that girl believes in your capabilities."

"What does Persona have to do with anything? You know that I've been trying for years to solve this place, so what is it about her that you now change your mind?" Seto stared down at the four inched man staring right back at him not caring whose presence he was in. Yugi had always been one willing to poke the beast if it meant he could get answers, but hard times did teach him when to back off before getting bit. His wings flapped in irritation when Seto walked away from the desk to a shelf filled with scrolls. "Your cousin has no idea that your helping us, right? Persona had mention how he hates it here like the rest of us, but he doesn't do anything about it."

"That is because he can't. He lost his right to go against the maze, but you and Persona can." Yugi watched as Seto set a scroll on the desk and flatted it out. "This will show you where the puzzle in the north is."

"No! I won't do a thing for you till you answer my question about Persona."

Seto rolled his eyes and was in the mood for any resistance. "Don't forget that I- "

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