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Sorry for the wait, but I hope it was worth it. I am hoping that the length of the chapter will make up for it but I will try to make it the last that is this long. Just two warnings for you lovely readers. Stronger language will be used and highly suggestive themes. Not lemon level but it does get steamy. I hope you enjoy and thank you for sticking around this long with me on this journey through the maze.   *image by Mitsu*


"NOOOO!" Persona scream as she kicked out her leg landing a hit and knocking the needle out of the doctor's hand. Seto growled at the crowd of doctors that were hesitant to approach the frighten girl. She twisted in the grasps of her bodyguard Ode as Bora stood outside the room gritting his teeth at the sounds of her struggle. "Please my lady." The orc mumbled at the girl. She shook her head and twisted so violently in his hands that he feared breaking her wrist.

"Hold her still!" Seto shouted at the guard but it was too late as Persona used the loosen grip on her to slip out and run to the bed where Yami sat. He caught her in a tight embrace and pulled her onto his lap. He stroked her head and talked kindly to her how they were only trying to help. Persona shook her head and wept into his chest begging not to be forced to sleep as more flashes of what she saw tormented her mind. The demon peered up and noticed a doctor slowly creeping up from behind the girl. Yami tried talking to Persona to keep her distracted, but she happen to turn her head. When she saw the doctor, she screamed so loud that the glass from the vanity cracked then exploded.

"Stay away!" She screamed at them and the crystals from the lamp above their heads burst and showered the group in tiny shards. Yami stared in shock of what the girl had done and looked over at Seto. The dragon met his cousins eye as he was at a lost of how Persona was able to do what she just did. Ode stood up and walked over to Milda who was holding onto a bed post doing her best not to cry for not being able to stop her friend's torment.

"Your Majesty, must she sleep? Can't we wait?" The ghoulish girl asked as Ode put a hand on her shoulder.

Yami glanced at Milda with an apologetic look. He felt just as useless as she did. He had tried calming Persona down with his mark, but her mind was in chaos trying to figure out what was real and what was the dream while processing the information that was forcibly blocked from her mind. The mark made everything ten times worse. Persona let out another ear-splitting scream but both Seto and Yami canceled it out with their magic. The room shook as a result and when the shaking calmed a doctor stepped forward saying, "Your Majesty, if you could hold her still- "

"No" Persona cried gripping on the demon. "Don't let them! Please Yami!"

The doctors and Seto gave a quick glance at each other. Milda assured them that the door to the room was closed and that Bora was standing guard. Seto snapped his fingers just in case there were spies lurking in the castle. The event of the death of the redheaded woman caused quite a stir in the castle. Never had such a deed been done. The very idea that someone made it to this part of the castle without being noticed was a blow to the guards reputation. The ball was brought to a swift end and both Yami and Seto were tired from the mass confusion of finding out who was where. Persona kept fading in and out of consciousness, so to help her rest the elder witches used a suppression spell combined with a sleeping spell. The end result was a nightmare that was too real to be forgotten and a confused mind. Their spell from earlier in the day also played a small part in it. The only cure the doctors could come up with was a deep sleep for at least five hours.

"Don't let them make me sleep! Not like that again!" Persona cried as she held onto Yami. Yami was busy dealing with Naomi and the masters that Seto was the one who made the call to let the trio cast their spell on her. Had he been there he would not have allowed it.

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