Together and Apart

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Okay so in other to make it more reader insert friendly the story will be told in 2nd and 1st person. 'Persona' will still signal you. Warning, it will get steamy and suggestive, but not lemon level.



Yami walked behind you as you carried the sleeping sprite in your hands back to his room. Yugi's outburst of tears drained his energy and turned him back to his normal size. A few moments after that, he fell asleep to the sounds of your beating heart in your chest. Joey had brought back the little house Yugi used in the underground so that he would feel comfortable staying in the castle. Neither of you spoke, but it was mainly so that Yugi wouldn't be disturbed. When you were close to the room Yami moved ahead to open the door for you, but waited outside as you walked pass him, giving him a small smile of thanks. Joey was not back from his meeting with the wolves and Mai was out somewhere. Yami watched from the doorway as you carefully placed Yugi inside the little house. The phantom thorns of jealousy started to rip into his heart, but he shoved the annoying pain aside.

He slipped a hand into a pocket where the blooming twig was put away. The flowers did not die, and Yami doubt that they ever would. Yugi fell asleep holding onto another twig he picked up before the demon showed up to apologize. One touch of the living twig and Yami was reminded what he had put Yugi through. If he had not killed the witch, it would be her and not you looking after Yugi. Not just you but him as well. Yami meant what he said in the garden about looking after the sprite and he would keep this twig to remind himself of the steps he needed to take towards redemption. He didn't know if he would ever reach that goal and there were others he had wronged, but Yugi was the only one who had survived him. No, he may never reach that goal and he would falter and make mistakes but Yami hoped that Yugi would be patient and that you would be willing to guide him. A soft voice cleared their throat and Yami glanced up to see that you were standing outside the room.

"I want to talk to you, but I don't want to leave Yugi alone." You said quietly.

Yami looked up at Bora and Ode. Bora went inside the room as Ode turned his back to the wall to stand guard. "There is a small sitting room nearby where we can talk." Yami heard the nervousness in his voice but he was grateful when you appeared to overlook it by nodding at him to show you the way. The room was just a few feet down the hall and had a small view of the town. It was a plain room with one wall shelved with books and the other with a small fireplace with a furred rug in front of it. There were two chairs in the middle with a small oval table but neither of you sat. He wanted to invite you to sit but chose to remain quiet and follow your lead.

Your hands twisted as you glanced down at the floor not sure were to start. Yami was being too quiet. Too obedient and that was scary. The fight you two had was just this morning and it was still fresh in your mind. You knew what you wanted to ask and felt terrible about it, but normal people don't switch their ideals so quickly. Yeah, okay, Yami was a demon so normal wasn't a factor in this but he earnestly expressed his thoughts on the matter. He genuinely believed he did nothing wrong. It was just bad luck that you happened to befriend the sprite. So, what made him change his mind?

"You apologized to Yugi..." Your words hung in the air as you waited for him to say something. But he stood there quietly waiting for you to say the last bit. "Why?" Your eyes peered up at him and saw that his face remained stoic. You were waiting for him to be upset at the question. For him to say that he did what you wanted and that things should go back to the way they were. But he didn't and the link between you was closed so you couldn't even tell what he was feeling. Not even the air gave you a clue though it was tense from not knowing how this conversation would go.

His red eyes steadied on you for a moment then said. "Your friend Mai confronted me- "

Well, that was something you weren't expecting to hear. "What?"

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