This is the End

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So this is it! It's bitter sweet but every tale has to have an end. I am ready to move out of the maze and start something new.  This chapter marks the end of the adventure, but not the end of the book. There will be an epilogue next some time month. Sorry for any mistakes I did not catch.  


The path beyond the gate was drowned in darkness. Many times you found yourself wondering if you were walking with your eyes closed by mistake. It took a few hard blinks to assure you that you weren't, and fear would have filled you had Yugi not squeezed your hand for reassurance. His hand felt warm in yours, but the darkness kept you from seeing him no matter how close he walked next to you. You stopped trying to look at Yugi or see what was around you after stumbling a couple times.

Each time the sprite would keep you from falling and grip your hand tighter so not to lose you. "Are you alright?" Yugi's voice would come softly through the dark.

"I'm fine, thank you." You would reply as you picked up your dress skirt. You were still in the clothes from the false maze and the shoes you had on did not help you keep a steady step. Nothing else was spoken while the two of you walked blindly in the dark. The sound of your foot fall seem to echo in the seemly empty space, and you worried that talking would attract a hidden enemy.

Many times you thought about looking behind you to see if there was anything other than the darkness, but fear kept you from looking back. Many times you wanted to stop and turn back to where you had come, but memories that had just been given back to you kept you moving forward. There were friends waiting for you and Yugi to return with the key to leave this world. A lover that had been reluctant to let you go but yielded when you convince him that it was the only way out. It felt strange that you only just now remembered him.

The darkness was at least good for that. With nothing to distract your eyes you found yourself reflecting on a string of memories of your time in the maze and your time with the demon. The thought of him made your cheeks warm and your heart race. The spell of the white sorcerer had stripped nearly every desire to return to him. A part of your heart felt grateful that the shadow had broken the spell, but you struggled in your mind to trust your returned memories.

The dark eyes of the sorcerer watched you from a distance as you let your mind wonder in doubt. He was disappointed that the sprite would not give into the world he had made just for him, but there was still you. You with your mixed-up mind and heart. The powerful being had more games to play to keep you and Yugi from passing through his brother's maze. With a dark smile he thought of a spell that would feed off of your doubt and drive you away from the sprite. The white sorcerer drew in a deep breath then blew out an icy wind that traveled towards you.

You were just wishing that you were dressed in something different when a chill seeped into your skin. Yugi felt you shiver but you insisted that you were alright when he questioned you. Yugi did not feel the chill in the air but the sudden coldness in your touch told him that something was wrong. He did not dare stop walking and feared he would lose the path if he did. If they were following a path at all that is, but he had a hunch that stopping would make things worse. All he could do was hoped that the darkness would soon end.

If only I could use my powers, he thought grimly. The moment he stepped into the darkness Yugi found that he could not use any of his magic and the shadow fell asleep on his shoulder. He was sure that the white sorcerer was watching from somewhere in the dark plotting a new scheme to keep you from winning his game. With a low laugh, the sorcerer begun his spell.

Suddenly, the pieces of your memories flew together with the new ones made in the other maze. Even when the shadow freed you from the spell, you had doubts about the marks on your shoulders. Now, a new terror took hold of you. In your mind you could see what awaited you in the castle. You could see Yami. One clear picture of him was all it took for you realize that the forgotten memories were the truth.

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