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Yugi took me into Yami's room. The flow of traffic in and out of my room to the bathroom overwelled us both. So, here we sat, on the edge of the bed far from the open door. A guard stood watch to one side of the door frame. The door to Yami's bath was now gone along with the windows. I not sure if we felt any safer but we felt comforted sitting close together, holding each other's hands.

Yugi had also been attack, but the vampire made the mistake of taking on a water sprite in their element. Vampires couldn't drown, but they can be frozen. The water Mai and I drank had affected our powers along with the harp. If it had not been for those two things Mai would have given Ruth hell and I could have called for help sooner. Yugi had lucked out by not drinking the water.

Milda walked to me with two maids following behind her with their eyes casted down. The other reason we sat here was to keep the servants and guards from seeming me. Apparently making eye contact with me was making them switch sides faster than I cared for. "My lady, you should get dressed before you catch a cold." She said as the other two maids unfold a screen. "You too, master Yugi."

"Yugi, please." Yugi had said for the umpteenth time. "Just call me Yugi."

Milda nodded and helped me up to take me behind the screen to dress me in a night gown with a black silk robe. When I moved out from the screen, I saw that Yugi was dress in dark blue pajama pants and shirt. He was just slipping on a robe when an elder forced his way passed the guard.

"My lady! Forgive us for not coming sooner."

"Sir! You can't just barge in!" Milda shouted blocking his view of me. Yugi went to stand beside her to help.

"Where is the king?" Yugi said angerly. "His mate was attacked! Why didn't he come sooner?"

The elder glanced at Yugi glaring then said, "He is aware, but we cannot allow him to leave."

Yugi crossed his arms frowning. "Don't tell me he is losing the battle. With his powers he should have ended the fighting long ago."

When the elder didn't answer I sat back on the bed and stared up at the canopy that hung over it. The link still would not open to me. Was Yami keeping it close? No, something felt wrong. Something was blocking my way to him. Our numbers were spread thin. Seto was out in the village with Joey with the wolf portal, an army of orcs and Yami's shadow. Kirk on the castle grounds with his fellow goblins and Yami was in the throne room controlling his lesser shadow demons. Could Yami really be losing? But how? Flashes of the dream came back to me as if to show me what could happen next. Yami standing outside the garden, bleeding to death. Seto faraway fighting in his dragon form and the laugher of Ruth echoing over the beast.

"Answer him." Yugi and the elder witch stopped arguing and looked my way as I said, "Answer my friend. Is my mate in danger of losing the battel?"

"My lady, you must understand that-"Milda tried to stop the elder from moving around her but he shoved her off and stood off to one side of me. "M-my, my Queen..." I looked down from the canopy to see him down on his knees.

I sighed. "Oh goodie, it's spreading faster without eye contact now."

Yugi groaned as Milda then commanded the two maids to move the screen so that hide me from the view of the open door then order them out of the room.

Yugi moved beside me saying, "This isn't good. The change of power is happening too fast." He then looked down at the elder asking, "What is happening? The king's cousin and shadow is out there, so how are they losing."

"The trolls and ogres are multiplying faster than he can make soldiers. His power is weakening as well as his connection to the maze. Soon, it will no longer be his to command." The elder witch explained. Yugi and I looked at each other. Our time was already running out. I had to go through the gate before the rules of the maze fully applied to me. Yugi turned back to the elder asking, "How does the king make soldiers?"

The King's Maze (Yami x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now