
Naruto and Sakura pondered with each other after being called to hokage office. Sai and Yamato were also called to the office. The four of them went there in silent, wondering where was the certain red-haired girl.

They entered the room, to greet with a very gloomy Tsunade behind the mahogany desk. They were silent, afraid of making the hokage more furious than she already was.

"One of our trusted comrade has fallen." suddenly, her voice bombed throughout the room. Team 7's eyes widened, except for Sai, of the news.

Naruto slammed his hands onto the desk, being the usual him, "Who ?" his voice sounded deeper than usual, must be the mixed feelings pressuring it.

"Nohara Yui. Former Anbu and also a mother of one of your comrade." Tsunade said, her eyes went sullen. They all froze at their spot, even Sai. Sai knew of his senior, very lively and skilled.

"We found her grave in the forest." Tsunade added.

"Grave ?" Sakura thought out loud. Tsunade lowered her head.

"Yes, which mean, Kouri had been there. That's why she's gone missing now." Tsunade said, throwing the file consist all data related to Nohara Kouri. The files flipped open and the picture of smiling found clipped to the file.

"Search for her. She must be broken out there with no one. Her mother was the only family she had." Tsunade said, her voice firm, trying to hide her grief behind her voice.

"Hai!" All of them said before blinking out of there. Tsunade sighed, thinking of what Kouri had to go through. She wondered what had drove her to isolate herself.

She clicked her tongue, blaming herself that she couldn't help the poor soul.


"Orochii!!" her voice bombed through the hallway of the dark dungeon, catching both Kabuto and Orochimaru's attention who was doing some research. Footsteps of the girl running in the hallway heard and seconds later, her body popped at the door, her face smiling.

"I cooked something for us." she said while looking around. Her smiley face slowly fade away as she eyed everything around her.

Her eyes then fell onto someone that seemed dead, but it was hung onto the wall with wires on him. It was subtle, but his chest was moving up and down telling her he was still breathing.

"What.. is this ?" she said as she approached it and tried to touch it, but Orochimaru voice made her jolted up.

"Don't touch it, Kouri !" actually, his voice shocked one other people in the room, Kabuto. The both of them looked at Orochimaru unusual behavior.

"What is this, Orochii ?" she asked again, this time more deeper and emphasized.

"It's.." Orochimaru couldn't say it. He changed after apart with them. After meeting with Kouri again, he afraid if the little girl would find out his new self. It wasn't his new self, or perhaps he afraid that Kouri would know his true self.

"Are you with Obito-nii-san too ?" Her voice changed, it was more pressured and her jaw clenched. Both if her hands gripped by her side while looking down, holding down her sobs.

"Of course not! I-"

"Then what are all of these ?!" she raised her head, her eyes changed into the color of crimson with patterns that could only belong to one clan, Uchiha.

Both Kabuto and Orochimaru felt their skins crawls at the immense of power came from her. Kabuto instinctively brought to where his kunai located.

Orochimaru stared at the eyes that turned into a very unique pattern. 'Mangekyou ?' he thought.

"Kouri.. you-" he stucked on his own word, "You activated Mangekyou ?" he asked.

Her eyes widened, her fingers instantly went to her eyes, tracing them.


"She's an Uchiha ?!" Kabuto blurted out, looking at Orochimaru and Kouri back and forth. He thought the only Uchiha left was the brothers, Itachi and Sasuke. But another one ?

"When did you activated it ?" Orochimaru asked.

"I don't know .. " she said, seemingly trailed off. Orochimaru heart broke again, coming to a conclusion that Kouri had witnessed the death of her own mother with her own eyes.

"Go rest, Kouri. I'll eat the meal." Orochimaru said, looking at her worriedly. She just nodded it off and turned around, lifelessly walking out of the room.

"Her aura are much more different that the Uchiha." Kabuto commented.

"The combination of an Uchiha and a Nohara. We couldn't imagine what's awaiting us." he said, shaking his head and focused back on the task at hand.


Broken [naruto fanfic]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant