Chapter 49: Years

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"Honestly, you're the last person I expected," Cuza admitted.

Valt laughed and said, "Yeah, well, you lucked out. Personally, I couldn't be happier about it."

"Maybe that's why I like you so much. Some people just don't know when to quit," Cuza chuckled. He had no idea why Free and Ferox had chosen Valt, but it must have been for a reason; maybe it was to allow Valt to make a comeback.

"I'm winning this," Valt said, and his brown eyes sparkled like Ferox's ones.

He looks just like his sister. I need to be on my guard; he might be stronger than I thought he was, Cuza thought, his eyes widening. He gritted his teeth, and he mulled over, I annihilated his Bey in the second game using ultra-attack mode. That should work again, but something feels different. What if Ferox gave him some sort of strategy to beat me?

Cuza shrugged off his anxiety; if he was that worried, he should pull out a move that Ferox had not seen before. He said, "Keep on dreaming. You've bitten off more than you can chew."

"I've got a whole, new attitude," Valt snapped, his heart beating in sync with his Bey spirit. Free and Ferox believed in him, so he had to step up and turn the battlefield into his playground.

"We're friends outside the ring but not in here. Soon, you'll see how much better I am," Cuza said, clenching his jaw and considering what approach to take.

What's it going to be this time? Will he switch to ultra-stamina mode or stick to the old plan? Valt thought, remembering how Ferox had handled Cuza in her own match. Valtryek and Zmaj were both attack types, so maybe considering what Ferox would do in his position would be helpful. He sighed and said, "It's down to you and me, partner. Ready."

With you by my side, Valtryek said softly, bracing his steed, there is nobody who can break my spirit. I've never been more ready for battle! Your love for blading shines the brightest, Valt Aoi!

"Someone should really teach Valt to hide what he's thinking," Silas said with a mocking grin on his face, and he leaned back and crossed his legs.

"He's doing just fine, mom," Rantaro said, rolling his eyes.

"Can't a guy just offer constructive criticism to his teammate?" Silas snarled.

"How about you do us all a favor and switch out of nag-mode?" Rantaro snapped back.

"Valt won't let us down," Ferox said.

"How can you be so fucking sure about that?" Silas retorted.

Rantaro clenched his jaw at his foul words, and Ferox was about to say something salty when Free sat up and said flatly, enveloping an arm around Ferox, "No hables así con mi chica."

Well, that's just embarrassing, Zmaj said, letting her tongue droop from her mouth, while Satomb and Roktavor glared at one another. On the other hand, Fafnir yawned, rolled over, and opened one green eye to observe the scene.

Ferox flushed. She knew enough Spanish to understand that Free was telling Silas not to talk to "his girl" like that, and something about Free switching language made her self-consciously brush hair out of her face and touch the side of her cheek.

"¿Estás bromeando conmigo, cierto?" Silas scoffed.

"で下さいよ," Ferox said with a frown.

"Fine, I'll stop," Silas sighed, comprehending that Ferox was scolding him.

"Finally," Rantaro sighed, his senses tossed around by the language changes. He fluently spoke English and Japanese, but quickly alternating between them was bizarre because he had to restructure his mind. Throwing Spanish into the mix only confused the shit out of him.

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