Chapter Nine | Don't Be Sad

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Chloe pounded against the gate loudly. She had been standing outside at the gate for twenty minutes without any of the staff opening it for her. Eventually, she grew tired of waiting and had to figure out what buttons she needed to push in order to get inside.

Who knew there were so many buttons on a security gate? No wonder why her parents hire a couple of people whose main job is to work the buttons on the gate. Speaking about them, where are they and why are they not doing their job?

As if that wasn't bad enough, she could figure out how to close the gate once she got through. So, it was currently still open. But that wasn't her fault, nor was it something that she had to fix or deal with.

There are people who can do that. There are people who should be doing that.

Now she was at the door, and a new problem occurred. The door is usually open by the time she gets to it. Right now, it wasn't.

What is it with the staff and not doing their job? she questioned, rolling her eyes.

Chloe stood in front of the door, waiting for someone to open it. When it became apparent that nobody was going to do that, she knocked on the door. Hopefully, that will draw some attention to her.

Ten more minutes passed, and she started to become more annoyed. Why can't anybody do their job correctly? She thought, getting even more pissed off.

Chloe reached out to the door handle and attempted to turn it. It didn't move one inch, meaning that she was locked out.

Chloe let out a loud scream of anger and annoyance. "Where is everybody!" She shouted, stomping her foot.

As her foot connected with the ground again, she heard a crunching sound beneath the rug she was standing on. Chloe bent down and lifted up the rug. Sure enough, there was a spare key.

She picked it up quickly, ignoring her thoughts on how unsafe and dangerous that was, jammed it in the keyhole and shoved the door open.

Chloe stomped into her house, slamming the door behind her loudly. her backpack down on a nearby table. She stripped off her cheer jacket and threw it on the table as well.

Once again, there was nobody there to put her things away. Another person not doing their job.

"What's going on in here?" Chloe shouted, her voice echoing throughout the mansion.

No response came so she shouted out in anger again. The only thing she heard following that scream was dead silence.

Where was everybody and why weren't they here doing their jobs?

Was it always like this in the middle of the day? Was nobody serious working? Chloe thought there would be at least one person for sure.

Because who else would clean the mansion? Surely not Chloe. And she highly doubts her parents do it themselves. Her brother is too young to clean it himself, he'd be tired out after just one room.

The mansion is always clean. If she doesn't do it, her family don't do it, and it appears the staff doesn't do it, then who does?

It was the middle of the day. Surely there should be somebody here. At least to just watch the place, but that didn't seem to be happening.

Chloe ran home after the situation at lunch. Well, she didn't run - Chloe never runs - instead, she took an Uber.

Chloe went home hoping to get some comfort from somebody, hopefully, Linda. Though she forgot that Linda doesn't quite like her right now and that they are not talking until halfway through the ride.

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