Chapter Twenty One | Don't Show Her Up

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Today was finally the day. The day of cheering leading tryouts. Usually, Chloe doesn't have to worry about it. Her status alone would mean that she doesn't even have to try out. The previous cheerleader captains wouldn't have even questioned or made her tryout.

That's the only reason why she was cheer captain last year. Usually, it's only seniors are the only people eligible for being cheer captains, but like always, everybody was too threaded by her and her status to even take a second glance or fight back on her when she stormed into the gym halfway through tryouts and demanded that she will be captain.

Except this year will be different.

If it was any other time, she wouldn't be worried. Since she is a senior now, she should already have the title. And as far as she knows, there won't be a junior storming in and claiming that they deserve it more than anybody else.

However, she is not the most liked person right now.

For whatever reason that is.

Chloe is not completely sure why. Though she has a few ideas why.

And it is all Ana's fault.

None of these things would be happening if Ana hadn't decided she needed to go against Chloe and try to tear her down.

Yes, that is correct. Ana tried to tear Chloe down. That isn't happening anymore. She has made too much of a mockery and embarrassment of Chloe, it has gone too far.

It's one thing to talk badly about her behind her back, it's another thing to cause multiple giant scenes in front of the entire school and pull her best friend away from her.

Not to mention that she decided to get in contact with Dallon, even when she said she doesn't date. What the hell is that about? The fact that it happened the same time at the same time Chloe and Dallon were paired up for that stupid English class project is no coincidence.

That leads Chloe to one conclusion, it is all Dallon's fault. He forced her to be part of the group project that she didn't want to do. He wouldn't take no for answer. He wouldn't even just do it himself and put her name down for the project. He wants her to do it too.

Which, by the way, there still isn't anything figured out for that project. But that's beside the point.

Meaning, it's perfectly acceptable to blow up at Dallon at the party. If he wasn't around, Chloe would be the queen bee of the school still. She would still have many followers and everybody would love her.

Not only that, but Mia would still be by her side, reading to give her love and care for all the bullshit she has had to encounter.

Finally, the gym appeared in front of Chloe's vision allowing her an escape from her pity party. She closed her eyes, shook her head, and let out a deep breath. Time to kick some butt.

However, that moment stopped once the gym door opened.

The gym was filled with people. People she didn't have a clue who they were. Not only that, but nobody was paying attention to her.

"Hey!" Chloe shouted.

Absolutely nobody turned to look at her, they kept talking and acting like she wasn't even in the room. It's almost like they didn't hear the door open. This is impossible since the school absolutely refuses to get anything fixed around here and the doors - especially the gym - are ridiculously loud.

"Hey!" Chloe shouted again.

This time some people flinched. The ones that did look like they wanted to see what all the noise was about but were told not to. There's no way humanly possible that people don't want to or feel the need to look at something. Especially something that made a lot of noise.

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