Chapter Fifteen | Don't Ignore Her

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Music blasted from the limo as Chloe stepped out. Also known as Chloe's go to attention-getting routine. It is something that Chloe does a lot. For how often she uses this tactic, it never seems to fail. Today wasn't an exception.

Except one thing was different. Nobody looked at her. It was almost they forgot who she is. Or worst yet, they hated her.

Chloe was shocked. What had happened? She used this tactic not longer than two or so days ago and everybody paid attention to her. Why was today different?

Whatever, she scoffed. Apparently, they are all just too invested in the music and the party. They couldn't hear my music over that. Chloe flatten down her outfit and straightened her hair. Perfect, she thought, all ready to go. Let's cause a scene.

Slowly she put one foot in front of the other and shashed up the sidewalk and into the house. The path wasn't easy, nobody was moving away from her. They all pretended to ignore her. Chloe kept getting ran into and bumped against.

"Excuse me! I'm trying to get through!" Chloe shouted.

"Yeah, we see that. We are trying to get through as well. You know, to where the party is." Some guy shouted from behind her.

Chloe rolled her shoulders, took a deep breath, and shoved the front door open, making sure it hit the wall behind it.

The slam was loud enough to hear over the music. It was loud enough that it actually caused the music to stop playing, people to stop dancing and talking, and have every person in the makeshift dance floor and surrounding area look over to see what happened.

"Whatcha all looking at? Haven't seen me crash a party before?" Chloe exclaimed rolling her eyes and smirking.

"No, we're staring because you're always surrounded by your posse. You're never alone like you are right now," somebody shouted from the back.

That caused the tension to sizzle away and laughter to fill the room. Instantly Chloe blushed and became frazzled.

"Enough," Chloe snapped. Silence filled the room once again, proving that might still have it. "Now will somebody point me over to the alcohol?"

"It's in the kitchen, you know as it has always been?"

Chloe's heart went into her throat. She recognized that voice, it was one she was hoping to not hear again. Especially here.

It was Dallon. His hair was styled in that usual sexy way of his. The shirt he was wearing really brought out his eyes and paired with a pair of black jeans - absolutely perfect. However, one thing was off from his normal personality. His face was stoic, an empty look to it.

That face hurt more than hearing his voice.

"Thank you," Chloe said chipley and attempted to walk to the kitchen. But the place was so crowded that she wasn't able to walk through. Instead, she stood in place and stared at the crowd, hoping they would part like they usually do.

But as time passed, nobody made a motion to move. Chloe upped her game and raised her eyebrows. Still no reaction, people weren't even looking at her. As Chloe stood there waiting for the people to move, or even look at her, people behind her were starting to shove her and bump into her.

"Bitch, hurry up! We all want to get in the kitchen. You know? That's the place with the alcohol," somebody shouted behind her. After the sentence finished, Chloe felt one final shove before she stumbled and almost fell on her face. Thankfully she stopped herself before she fell over.

Chloe scoffed, rolled her eyes, and straightened out her clothes. What is happening? What is going on? This is the first time she has been treated this way. Everybody usually listens and does what she tells them to. No one ever back talks her. And what is with that voice that keeps shouting at her? Who is that?

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