Chapter Thirty | Do Stand Up For Her

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Chloe begrudgingly shoved a pair of tights and spandex in her bag, choosing to waste time and get ready at school instead of beforehand at home.

It was time to honor the promise - more of a compromise - she made with Linda.

She had to go to cheer practice and the football game. Or else she owes Linda a lot of money. Linda said she doesn't have to, that she won't take it from her, but Chloe honors bets and promises she makes to people.

Mainly to the ones that actually care for her.

Other than that, she can't give two shits about bets and promises.

And right now, Linda is the only person Chloe has. So she wants to do everything right, and make sure Linda doesn't leave her like everybody else.

Chloe walked into her giant and spacious en-suite, over to her white and rhinestone-studded vanity where she grabbed an excess amount of bobby pins and hair ties. You never really know how many you need until you get started on your hair, better to be safe than sorry.

Every piece of hair has to be tucked in. Not a single strand of hair can be out of place. If it is, then serious consequences will happen. It's mainly at nationals and other competitions, but Chloe drills it into the girls' brains. Make them understand that it will never be allowed, every rule must be followed.

With that thought running through her head, she grabbed the big bottle of hair spray and her brush.

Next, she walked over to the marble and rhinestone-studded storage organizer where she kept all the cheerleading necessities. Including the black and silver face paint needed to draw on the school symbols.

On the top of the organizer were a few different black and silver pom-poms, all for different occasions. She grabbed the ones that had the school symbols on them. They were the first home game pompoms.

Weirdly enough, homecoming has never been a big deal at their school.

And with a chance to become queen for a night, it's even weirder that Chloe doesn't care.

Plus with the latest events, Chloe hadn't even given homecoming a second thought.

Hell, this morning she didn't even want to get out of bed.

She threw the pom-poms in her bag and threw the bag over her shoulder. Then she walked over to her spacious walk-in closet to grab her cheer uniform from the shrine.

Then she was ready.

Physically ready and prepared, yes. Mentally ready and prepared, no.

Nothing could make her prepared for what she was about to face.

Chloe ran out of the room and closed the door behind her before running down the stairs, cheerleading necessities in hand.

If she gets to school within the next half hour, then she will successfully get in before class lets out and avoids all the students.

Once she got down the massive driveway, she muttered a quick apology for earlier the other day and got in the car.

She did truly feel bad for how she acted towards the driver. Especially after what Linda said. It put it all in a new light.

Chloe had been so wrapped up with her own stuff and trying to make others feel as bad as she did, that she forgot not everybody was there or part of these things. Therefore, they didn't deserve it.

Especially the staff. They are around Chloe simply because her parents pay them. They don't choose to be around her. And they don't go to school with her. They don't know how bad things are.

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