Chapter Twenty | Don't Disturb Her

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Some people might think that today was a major fail and an embarrassment. But Chloe does not think of it that way.

At least that's what she's trying to tell herself.

Why bother getting herself upset and annoyed when that's what the entire student body is doing?

That's what she thought as she threw her backpack down on her bed. After thinking for a second, Chloe followed her backpack and collapsed on her bed, face first.

A scream fell from her lips and into her plush and super soft bed. She wasn't intending on doing that. Maybe today was tougher than she thought it was.

Chloe knows you're not supposed to let other people control your life. Nor are you supposed to care too much about what other people think of you.

But when you're in high school, that's kind of hard to do. Whether you want to or not, people are always talking about you, looking up to you, and thinking about you.

That only amplifies when you are the queen bee of the school like Chloe is.

Or like Chloe was.

Because apparently, that's actually her standing. As much as she doesn't like it, Chloe has lost her reputation. And she doesn't know how to make a comeback.

There is one good thing about all of this. That is the fact that Chloe is still getting attention from everybody, they're still looking at her, talking to and about her, and obviously thinking about her.

Except they aren't doing any of these things in a positive atmosphere or process. Or whatever it was like in the first place. Instead, now they are watching Chloes every movement in hopes of her collapsing.

Collapsing sounds like such a bad way to describe it. It sounds like she's going to fall over, literally. Even though she may be doing that emotionally and mentally, Chloe will never let herself fall over literally.

So since It appears to be more of a mental and emotional thing, Chloe thinks down spiral could be a more appropriate name for it.

Yeah, that sounds better.

She'd prefer not to have a title for it. She doesn't want to be going through this at all.

But unfortunately, it is something that's happening and there's no way to get out of it. No matter how hard she tries.

The last two days have been full of trying to act like she isn't going through the downward spiral or pretending that it's not happening. And that has been an epic fail some people would call it.

So, Chloe decided that tomorrow she was going to make the best of it. She was going to own the fact that it is happening. She is going to make it her thing and she is going to make it go perfectly.

The rest of the day she is just going to relax and recover. She can't bear to think about or deal with everybody anymore today. She needs to relax and fix her mind.

Starting with shutting her phone off. There wasn't any need for it since the only thing it's doing is causing her stress.

Chloe didn't need to think about that anymore, she rolled over on her bed so she was now lying on her back. She slapped her arm on the bed, trying to locate her phone.

Once she did, she grabbed it and shut it off. Not paying attention to any of the notifications. And now, for the first time in the entire weekend, her phone was silent and still. Not a single notification can come through.

Chloe couldn't help a deep breath of relief that escaped her lips. Finally some freedom. Now she needs to focus on the game plan and fix everything.

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