Chapter Eleven | Don't Think So Much

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Chloe sat up in her bed, rubbing her face. She usually does that in order to help wake up, but today, she was doing it for a different reason. As soon as she woke up she has been filled with anxiety and stress. However, Chloe has no reason why she feels this way.

She has a few ideas. It could be practically anything. Nothing in her life is perfect. There are a lot of problems going on in her life.

It could be because Dallon knows more about her than she has been hoping. She is just supposed to be talking to him for the homework project. Actually, not even for that. She usually gets out of doing projects, so this one shouldn't have been any different. Though, it was, simply because he can't understand what no means.

It doesn't matter that only things Dallon learned yesterday were where she lived and that she likes mismatched socks. Almost nobody knows where Chloe lives. She never throws parties or invites people over. She likes her privacy, for the most part, and this is one thing she wants to keep private. Chloe knows exactly how Dallon found out where she lives, he had to have asked Mia. She is the only person who knows where she lives. It's supposed to stay that way.

She doesn't understand why Mia decided to tell him. It annoys her. Why does she think she can give out private information like that? And to Dallon of all people?

Chloe's anxiety could also be because of him, for a different reason. She was up late last night trying to make sense of what happened. She hasn't come up with an answer as to what was happening. She can't comprehend why she had those feelings toward him. She never had feelings like that before, at least not to him. Usually, she just feels anger and annoyance towards him.

But it isn't just limited to him. Those are the feelings she feels most of them, anger and annoyance, and it usually directed to everybody in her life. It doesn't matter who they are or what they did, she most likely has those feeling for them. That is not a good thing. The only person who doesn't get those emotions directed towards them is Caleb. It is impossible for Chloe to be mad at him. She never wants that to happen. Though she is afraid that one day she will crack and accidentally yell at him. That would be the worst thing in the world. That is why she is trying to change.

Her stress and anxiety could be because of the bet she has with Linda. Or whatever that is supposed to be called. All she knows is that she most likely ruined it already. How is it possible that she ruined it during the first day? No, it wasn't even the first full day, just the day they came up with the idea. That makes ruining it so much worse. That is just so sad. Oh well, it really isn't anything new. She can just add it to her list of failures.

She really wants to change, for that reason and many more. She wants to know what happiness and complete enjoyment feels like. She not sure if she has ever felt that way in her life. She wants to experience that, just a little bit. She wants to let go of always being upset and pissed off. That is not a good way to live life. No one should go through that. She wouldn't wish it on anybody, not even herself.

But that whole thought of changing really scares her, mainly because she doesn't really know who she is. Since she doesn't really know who she is, how will she know who she will change into? Or how she is around people.

She thinks it is a good idea to start off small. Starting at home with the members of her staff - probably shouldn't call them that, she should find something to say when referring to them. Once she can get the hang of being different, being nicer than she can try it out of the house with new people.

It shouldn't be too hard to start. As she said, she doesn't like people coming over and not many people know where she lives. She can get used to talking to the same people at home, where she will see them every day. There are not many people working, it shouldn't be too bad.

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