Chapter Nineteen | Don't Take Her Things

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Even though she had eyes following her every movement, Chloe decided that she was not going to acknowledge them. No, instead she was going to act like nobody was watching her.

Or at least act like she had before when all the eyes on her, loved her. The time where she was the best thing ever when people either wanted to be with her or to be her.

Unlike now when all their eyes on her hate her and would rather want to see her disappear and never come back. To put it nicely.

Thinking back to this morning, and the night before Chloe still can't believe some of the things her so-called friends and fans have said about her. Not even just about her, what they said to her.

That is what confuses and hurts Chloe the most. It was the fact that they were doing it right to her and not just talking behind her back.

Sure it was done over social media and through text messaging. But they were still words directed towards Chloe, and the words weren't nice at all.

That is one line Chloe never crossed. At least it was something she never intended nor ever wanted to cross. Hurting people over social media and texting is one of the worst ways in the most childish ways to hurt somebody.

Most of the time it hurts over social media and texting because people can't really tell the tone of voice of the other person, or they can't really tell the intentions behind the sentences.

It could be just a joke or messing around, but it is hard to tell. A person could think that they were just being hurtful and wanting to put other people down.

Even though Chloe likes to consider herself to be the ice queen of the school, she never truly wants to hurt somebody, in any way shape, or form.

Sure she has said some things in the past two people that she shouldn't have, but when she gets really annoyed or heated she increases in the attacks towards other people. And the more she increases in the attacks the more hurtful that they may become.

When she is in these moments of attacks, It is likely that people feel the most offended and or hurt by the things she says. Probably by her facial expressions too, as it's more likely for her to look disgusted and annoyed or pissed off.

Chloe is not naïve enough to think that she's an exception to her earlier rant today about how words hurt people. She is aware that her words can have an effect on people and most likely hurt them, especially if she is in these moments of attacks.

But when she is in those moments she doesn't care about the other person, she only cares about expressing her emotions and letting them know how exactly they have annoyed or hurt her.

Because let's face it, there's nothing in the world that is better than her. Chloe is simply the best person in the world and everybody loves her. Nothing can change that.

Chloe smiled at that thought. No, it was more of a grin that could be considered maniac. And that grin mixed with how she's walking - like on a runway with her hips moving from side to side - she probably looked pretty crazy.

She didn't care. Let them stare at her, she thought. They already have changed how they think about her. So, why not change it up even more and make them think that she is a crazy person?

It doesn't matter, at least they are thinking about her. And, in this way, it is closer to how they originally thought about her. That makes her feel better.

It's almost like Chloe is back to who she is: the ice queen. Or as more people know her, the queen bee of the school.

And there is no better feeling than that. Chloe's giant smile returned at that thought.

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