Yoongi felt angry. Angry at Jihoon for lying to him, angry at himself for trusting Jihoon, angry at Jimin for not giving him a chance to make up the previous night, angry at Jimin's parents for treating him like shit, angry at the world for never dealing him any good cards.

Yoongi lifted his hand to slap Jihoon's face, ready to let how many years' worth of anger and resentment be channelled into that slap, but the look on Jihoon's face nearly broke his heart in half. Instead of seeing Jihoon, Yoongi saw his own face own the man in front of him. Scared, broken, and desperate. What type of person would Yoongi be if he turned Jihoon away at his moment of need? Jihoon needed help, but could Yoongi help him if Jihoon couldn't admit that he wanted help?

The anger suddenly disappeared, evaporated like dew drops in the heat of the morning sunlight, rising up and becoming one with the atmosphere. Sympathy filled Yoongi's soul, causing him to do something he didn't think he'd ever do again in his life.

Yoongi wrapped his arms around Jihoon in a hug, and Jihoon was frozen, unable to react. "Why did you lie to me?" Yoongi asked, nearly squeezing Jihoon to death. Jihoon sniffled and clung unto Yoongi's shirt, burying his face into his shoulder.

"I thought that I could get you involved again....get Jimin to leave you...and then you'd be mine again. I'm so fucked up, Yoongi, I know, I'm sorry, I want help, please Yoongi, I need help! Oh God, oh Jesus..."

A sudden cold washed over Yoongi, like ice water running down his back. A terrible sensation washed over him as he finally recognised the sound of fear in Jihoon's voice. He knew what was happening before he was actually sure. He saw the signs and the symptoms, and that's exactly what caused him to freeze.


"I can't see, Yoongi I can't see, it hurts! IT HURTS!" Jihoon screamed into Yoongi's neck, clinging to his back and causing scratches to run down his back. Yoongi hissed in pain, but held unto the man in his arms. "Yoongi I'm sorry I'm sorry! Please don't leave...I need help! I want help! Please help me-" Jihoon let go, ran to the bathroom, and threw up into the toilet. Yoongi followed closely, making sure Jihoon doesn't collapse. When Jihoon was done, he collapsed, holding unto the toilet.

Yoongi's heart started racing, knowing exactly what was busy happening, but it was like his mind didn't want to say the words. Jihoon was having a very bad reaction to whatever he had used earlier, and he was experiencing a very bad high. Yoongi briefly voice-noted Namjoon to tell him what was happening and to get help, then he held Jihoon back and shook him to keep him awake. "Jihoon, you gotta tell me what you used."

Jihoon looked at him through glassy, half-lidded eyes, his mouth half-open and his skin cold and clammy. "I think I mixed my pills...They're on the counter if you want to check...Ah, Yoongi, I feel so so so bad..." Jihoon leaned forward, but Yoongi slapped him lightly to wake him up. Jihoon's eyes shot open, and then Yoongi promptly shoved his fingers down Jihoon's throat. Jihoon's eyes widened even more, then leaned forward and threw up some more. Yoongi rubbed his back, knowing that it was best to get as much out as soon as possible. If it took this long for the pills to take proper effect, then that must mean he hadn't taken them that long ago and that there was still time.

"It's okay, help is on the way. You're going to go to a rehab, and then you'll be fine. You'll find someone you love, someone to rub your back whenever you're having cravings, and you'll find a stable, boring job you kinda hate, and you'll come home to your dog and annoying cat and you'll be happy and sober." Jihoon chuckled softly at Yoongi's words, and Yoongi chuckled with nervously. "You'll find something to make it worth it. You remember how you used to draw? Maybe you should try drawing again, you were really good."

"I sucked," Jihoon coughed, but kept his smile. "My manga was so cringe."

Jihoon used to be such a sweet kid, drawing doujinshis of his favourite anime, and he used to leave Yoongi sticky-notes all around his room with chibi-drawings of his favourite anime characters drawn on. That had been the time when Jihoon hadn't been so deep into the drugs, when he still had some piece of sanity left.

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