Tsunade hit her table hard, trying to think of Kouri's real aim on meeting the said guy. Was it really just boyfriend ? Was there something more ?


Kouri stopped at a small vilage that have lot of things going on. She didn't wear her ninja's attire but only a long red dress hugging her curves perfectly. She loves red since she was just a kid.

There were many merchants stopped by, therefore the street were filled with them. The place was an official place for merchants to stop by, or travelers.

She walked with a kasa she used earlier hung on her neck. The people there mostly males and did their own thing. It makes her nervous to enter a stall for lunch because anything could happen to her for sitting alone in a room filled with half-aged men.

Buying dangos for lunch, she wandered about the village to see what's good. She felt Itachi's chakra closed by so instead giving him a sudden surprise, she decided to enjoy a little bit.

She then saw a group of entertainers in the street, smiling and singing with a few people surrounded them. She smiled and went towards the crowd.

She emerged from the crowd with her face covered with the kasa she had. Then, she started to dance to the rhythms that flow through her body. She heard the sound of people getting excited. She smirked and continue on dancing.

She ended with a small curtsy and received a round of applause from the stopper-by. She then left the crowd and decided to stay in an inn for awhile.

She rented a room and sprawled onto the futon that had already been prepared in the room. She grunted on the tiring day and almost fell asleep until she heard a noisy woman next door.

She got angry. No one can disturb her sleep. Her head was pounding due to sudden jolt from the nap she trying to take.

She walked out of her room and to the next door and opened it with a scary face. She was so furious to care
who she was going to scream at.

"Can you please shut your mouth and let me have a good night sleep ?!" she shouted, her face were tighten as ever. Her head was pounding and she couldn't see the room clearly since she was a lil bit drowsy.

Her body was exposed with only a short and the tank top she usually wore. She had already took off the dress since she had begun to feel uncomfortable wearing it all day.

"What is this bitch shouting for ?!" The girl shouted at Kouri and they had a glaring battle for awhile before she felt a hand on her arm.

"I'm sorry for being noisy, babe. Let me bring you back to your room." a guy who had a white hair sweet-talking her, pulling her gently outside.

"Get your hands off her."

All of them turned to look at a voice that came from behind them. Kouri recognized the voice, and she went wide awake after. Her eyes widened at the sight of raven-haired boy that grew taller over the past years, his face were tight like usual but there was something in him that changes too. She felt tingles down spine to feel the cold, dark chakra he had.

If Itachi had changed, then Uchiha Sasuke had become entirely different person from the inside.

"Sa..suke ?" his name came out from her mouth. Their eyes locked and all of the memories flood in, the last time they had held each other, that time when he gifted her one of his precious treasure, a necklace with Uchiha crest on it.

Her hand instinctively grabbed the necklace that was still around her neck. She never took it off since it was a precious gift to her.

"You know this bitch ?" The girl with with red hair and shark teeth said, giving Kouri a dirty look.

"Shut your fucking mouth, Karin." Sasuke growled a warning, which instantly shut her up.

"You know her, Sasuke ? You never told me you know a beauty in Konoha. Introduce her to me." The white hair guy said, smirking at Kouri. Next thing he knew, he was burning.

"Gahh, Sasuke!" the guy shouted, dispersed into liquid and the fire gone from him due to the water.

"What are you doing here, Kouri ?" Sasuke asked, his eyes lingered to her body who had changed a lot and the tight outfit she had on her. He felt angry that the other two guys in the room could see the exposed skin.

"I-" She tried to speak but she couldn't. After all these years, she finally met Sasuke, the one she loved. She missed his touches, his kisses, his affection, but at this rate, Sasuke only know how to take blood out of people because that's what he did best the past couple of years.

"I'm going." she said and turned to left the room. She went back to her room and entered it to see Sasuke stood in the middle of the room. She stopped at her track as the pair of dark eyes looked straight into her eyes.

Why does he suddenly trying to appear in front of her ? After leaving her without saying anything ? What about all those moments he decided to let go few years ago ?

She frowned as she came to a conclusion. She won't fall for him easily now. He's not Sasuke that she knew, therefore, she can't show her affection towards him, although her body screaming to run and hug him and kiss all over his face, grateful that he was still alright and well.

"What do you want ?" she asked, making a round of the futon and picked up her things to quickly walk out of there. As she stood up, she felt a hand on her arm stopping her from moving. She felt like an electricity went through the veins. She closed her eyes, holding herself from jumping on him. She missed him a lot.

"What are you wearing ?" he asked. She turned to look at her, her brows raised at the question.

She pushed his hand off of her, "I can wear whatever I want." She rolled her eyes and left the room without any single word. She missed him a lot, it hurs to stay in a same room as him.

She hoped that he would come running to her to stop her, to explain why would he choose to leave her and his comrades to seek for revenge, to tell the story of his journey, to tell her if he's doing okay, but that has never been Sasuke and she could only dream of it.

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