Chapter 10: C Rank

Start from the beginning

Another problem of sorts is the game itself. He was slightly unsure if it was a game at all or just some OP power boost to make him look cooler. But as long as he doesn't die easily it doesn't matter. He doesn't really have anything going for him to NOT get killed. He's no jinchuriki, almighty third last of the Uchiha. Oh wait. Forgot he was an Uchiha there for a moment.

Okay so he's one of the last four Uchiha left in this world (apart from the bastard children that is god knows where) but no one knows about this. Not even the Hokage knows for Christ's sake! (And that's arguably a good thing too, just try to imagine Danzo knowing that an orphan child that's coincidentally an Uchiha is roaming around Konoha)(hell, he probably knows already!)

Yomei scratched his neck, looking at the formation of his team. He never really saw any significance in it until now. His sensei, Akiko, was forefront and centre. He guessed that she was trying to protect all of her genin from harm. Stone Lee was strategically placed on the right where they might possibly be ambushed. This made sense since he was able to jump right in with his newly learned genjutsu to try distract the enemy.

Lizard lover was placed on the left, giving her enough reaction time to speed through some seals so she could participate in the action. Yomei was placed at the back. It was a smart move to place him in the back. With his own genjutsu that was arguably greatly increased by the sharingan he had much better access of luring the bandits into a trap, and if that failed he was pretty good at taijutsu himself.

Ninjutsu was slowly (very slowly) becoming more useful to him. After increasing his chakra levels up a notch he saw how successful it would be to continuously train up his reserves. He can now use ninjutsu freely and without fault effectively. He only needed a sensei to each him how to utilise it properly. He also wants to find a way to unlock his other locked natures. He'd be some bad ass momma then.

+ 1 INT

And as he was improving, so was his teammates. Stone was slowly getting better at his taijutsu (better than beforehand) and Akiko had some Jonin named Kurenai or something to help 'expand his mind' in genjutsu. How Akiko-sensei got the jonin to participate in the first place was a bit vague, something about a 'favour' she said?

Anyways, Akiko was more specialised in kenjutsu, so she practically threw Stone at Gai, a Jonin that took Stones younger brother, Rock Lee, Neji Hyūga and Tenten under his wing. Yomie could vaguely remember the rambunctious folk from the academy, he didn't particularly miss them all that much, but it seems as if they all missed Stone. Or shall we say Rock missed Stone.

He rembered the scene as clear in his mind as it was yesterday. Lee was running around the place and Stone was with him, both of the two hobbling after Gai. He rembered Lee shouting soemthing like-

"Brother!" Lee's eyes twinkled brightly, nodding up at his elder brother. "Gai sensei has gave me this, a sign of your youthful tutelage under him!" Stone smiled down at his sweating younger brother, his stamina surprisingly better than Lee's own.

"Of course brother! Anything for you and Gai-sensei," Stone replied back, a cheerful look on his face. Yomei shrunk back in the shadows at this, a fearful look on his face once he caught a glimpse at what Lee was so eagerly trying to give his elder brother.

<new skill gained>

Stealth <D:5> {lvl:1}
Enabling you to hide out in the open. Have the ability to blend in easily to your surroundings, stopping your enemies from seeing you. Useful in any kind of missions and in hide and seek.

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