[Bonus Chapter]

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You were bored out of your mind sitting in your lavish bedroom. Never thought that would cross your mind in your life time, huh?

So you just in a chair, bored out of your mind while you mindlessly watched the bird sitting on your finger. You heard some of the maids enter your room and hear the clicking of plates hitting wood. You turned towards the maids and saw that they were almost out of the room. There was just one left.

"Um, ma'am?"

The maid who was called out shakily turned towards you. "Y-Yes your h-highness?" I beckoned her forward and once she was close enough I whispered my request in her ear. She seemed relieved that I wasn't going to do her harm and she left to retrieve the object that I desired.

After a couple of minutes she returned with my request and handed it to me. I gladly took the accessory and put it on Rocket.

The item I desired was a neon green mixtures between a fedora and a cowboy hat, but it was mini sized and the perfect size for Rocket's head. He seemed confused for a bit about what was on his head, but seemed to take a liking to wearing the accessory and hopped around proudly with his hat.

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