9: S C H O O L !

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Author POV

Jimin shifted in his seat restlessly. He turned to look at his carers who were both watching the TV.

"Daddy I'm bored" he said shifting over so that he was sitting sideways in Yoongi's lap. Yoongi looked down from the TV to see the small pouting boy in his lap.

"What's wrong buba?" He said brushing Jimins pink fringe out of his eyes. "Daddy I'm bored" the boy whined fisting his daddy's shirt with his small fingers.

"Well what did you wanna do baby?" Yoongi said rocking the boy in his arms. "Let's.. Go to da park!!" The boy yelled excitedly. "Sorry buba but you have your first day if school tomorrow so we gotta save your energy" Yoongi said booping his nose.

"S-school?" Jimin stuttered out confused. The boys wavering voice caught the attention of Hoseok. "Yoongi we said we weren't gonna tell him until tonight!!" Hoseok scolded.

"Umm.. Whoops?" Yoongi said scratching the back of his neck. Hoseok just glared at him and turned his attention back to the now sobbing boy.

"I-i cants go to school, evybody hates me" Jimin sobbed clutching onto his daddy's shirt. Hoseok picked up Jimin and set him in his lap holding him close.

"Now baby I know you're scared but its going to be okay. We enrolled you into a new school and if anyone gives you any trouble we'll kick their butts okay" Hoseok said playfully tickling the boys side.

Jimin giggled for a second before pouting again. "Chu pwomise I'll be fine?" He asked, puppy eyes looking up at his daddy.

"Of course you will. I wouldn't send you there if I had any doubt in my mind" Hoseok said confidently hugging the boy tight.

"Hey!! Give me my baby back" Yoongi said taking Jimin back into his arms. "No he's mine" Hoseok said trying to pull him back over into his lap.

Jimin giggled and wiggled around in his carers holds. "Dada, daddy chu can bof has me" he giggled trying to pry their hands off of him.

Hoseok gasped "but my baby is so adorable!! I can't hand him over to a monster like him" Hoseok said fake glaring at Yoongi. Yoongi scoffed before laughing it off and wrapping his arms around Jimin and Hoseok.

Jimin giggled even more at his carers silliness. "Daddy stob it" he laughed wiggling to get out of Yoongi hold.

"Okay baby but once I let go it's nap time for you!!" He said ruffling Jimins hair. "Otay daddy" Jimin smiled and stood up.

Jimin trotted his sock clad feet down the hallway to his bedroom already feeling sleepy. His carers followed behind him, quietly cooing and the small boys walk.

Once they were in Jimins bedroom Jimin placed down ontop of his sheets and held his hands up for his Dada to tuck him in. Hoseok pulled the sheets back and placed Jimin in the middle.

Jimin immediately curled up into a ball underneath the blankets and slowly pulled his thumb up to his mouth. He started sucking on his thumb slowly, feeling comfortable having something in his mouth.

Yoongi opened a draw in Jimins chest of drawers and pulled out a pacifier.

Unsure he walked over to the boy pulling the thumb out of his mouth. Jimin whined and went to put it back in but Yoongi slipped the paci in between his lips before he could. He eyebrows furrowed above his closed eyes before he slowly started suckling again.

Yoongi and Hoseok smiled at each other before slowly leaving the room. They made their way back down the hallway and into the lounge room.

Once they were seated on the couch Hoseok decided to speak up. "Are you sure he's ready? What if the other boys tease him again?" Hoseok asked worriedly, grabbing a hold of Yoongis hands.

L O S T   K I T T E N - Sopemin/ YoonseokminTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon