6: E M B A R R A S S E D

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Author POV

"Up up!! Daddy, Dada Jimin want food!!" The small boy shouted, bouncing up and down on the bed. Yoongi opened one of his eyes, peeking at the small boy. He looked adorable in his footsie onsie with his chubby cheeks flushed red.

"Ahh daddy, chu awake!!" The small boy yelled gleefully. He sat on his daddy's lap and poked at his cheeks. "Good morning baby" Yoongi mumbled sleepily.

He sat up and held the small boy close to his chest. "Why don't we wake up Dada so that he can cook us some breakfast huh?" Yoongi said, his face shoved into Jimins hair.

"Otay daddy" Jimin exclaimed. He quickly jumped off of Yoongi's lap and onto Hoseoks. "Dada, wakies time!!" The boy said, poking at his Dada's cheeks. Hoseok grumbled something and opened one of his eyes, after seeing the smiley state that his baby boy was in he quickly sat up and hugged the boy.

"You are so adorable!!!" He shouted, squishing the poor boy. "D-dada, can't breath" Jimin said the best he could with his face shoved in Hoseoks neck.

"Oh sorry baby" Hoseok said loosening his grip on Jimin. "You're just too adorable" he laughed.

Jimin jumped off the bed and started running around. After leaning in to kiss his husband good morning Hoseok scooped up the small boy and headed towards the kitchen with Yoongi following idly behind.

"Does baby wanna sit in his highchair?" Hoseok cooed at the boy who was wrapped around his waist. Jimin nodded, his head still tucked in the crook of Hoseoks neck.

Yoongi took the boy from Hoseok and began buckling him into the highchair. Hoseok walked into the kitchen and began rummaging through the fridge for something to eat.

"Yoongi~" Hoseok whined. "We need to do groceries, there's nothing to eat" he said walking back around to where Yoongi and Jimin were.

Yoongi thought for a minute before he spoke up. "Why don't we go out to eat then we can go grocery shopping. I had my men go and deliver the load yesterday so we have a lot of cash to spare" he said while shrugging his shoulders like it was no big deal.

"Are you crazy!?" Hoseok shouted, startling Jimin. "Not only is it dangerous going out with Jimin this soon but what if somebody recognizes him??" He huffed.

"Baby I promise you its fine, and everyone knows to mind their own business" Yoongi said hugging his husband.

"Fine.. If you say so" Hoseok said. He picked up the boy from his highchair who was distracted with his teddy bear.

~magical time skip~

Finally the three boys where dressed. Jimin was in an oversized baby blue jumper, a pair of white shorts that you couldn't see and dark blue thigh high socks. Topped off with his high top converse.

Yoongi and Hoseok were in white shirts and tight black jeans. Its what they usually wore but who could blamed them, they looked hot in it.

They all walked to the car and got buckled in. Jimin in the back and Yoongi in the drivers seat while Hoseok sat in the passengers seat.

The whole ride Jimin was buzzing with excitement and pointing out any and everything he saw. Surprisingly to the two older boys he was still little. Up until now he would only be little 15 minutes at a time. But they weren't complaining.

"Hey baby?" Hoseok asked looking back at Jimin. "Yesh Dada?" Jimin responded fiddling with the arms of his teddy bear. "You seem to be feeling really small today.. Is there a reason for that?" Hoseok asked.

Jimins face flushed bright red and he started stuttering "umm well b-big Jimins says he d-doesn't wanna come out beca he embarrassed b-bout.." Jimin mumbled with his face in the teddy bear.

"About last night?" Yoongi finished for him. Jimin nodded quickly and Hoseok hummed. "You dont have to be embarrassed baby, daddy and I do it together all the time" he said. "C-chu do?" Jimin asked curiously. "Thats right baby"

Jimin stayed quite thinking about his daddies doing that stuff together.

"Guys we're here" Yoongi said turning off the car. Jimin looked out the window and saw that they were at a small cafe. His thoughts were interrupted when Yoongi reached in to unbuckle his seat belt.

He clung onto his daddy as he was lifted in the air and then placed on the ground. "Now baby, its okay if you're little in public just try to contain yourself okay?" He said holding the boys shoulders. Jimin nodded with a determined look on his face.

They all walked into the seemingly empty cafe, Yoongi and Hoseok stood in front while Jimin toddled behind them gripping tightly onto his teddy.

They sat down at an empty table.

A young woman who looked to be atleast 19 walked up to take there order. "Hi there what can I get for you" she asked Yoongi, he didn't fail to notice the lust in her tone.

"Three sets of pancakes, two hot chocolates and a caramel macchiato please." Yoongi said. The waitress but her lip, staring at Yoongi with lust. But as soon as she noticed the small boy placed opposite of him she scoffed.

"Faggot" she muttered under her breath. Yoongis tee shirt was sheer, showing off his tattoo littered body making him look intimidating. "And I would appreciate it if you shut them fuck up and left my baby alone" he growled, glaring at the waitress.

She quickly walked away and started making their food. "Fucking whores" Hoseok said to Yoongi. "Dada what's a whore" Jimin asked innocently. "O-ohh its nothing, just don't say that again" Hoseok trailed off quickly.

Jimin just brushed it off and continued playing with his unnamed teddy. Soon there food came and they all ate. Making small talk.

"Jimin I told you not to use your hands" Hoseok sighed for the 100th time, wiping the sticky boys face with a wet wipe.

"Am done!!" Jimin said shoving his last price of pancake into his mouth. "I can see that baby" Yoongi laughed.

They paid for their food, the waitress avoiding eye contact the whole time.

Once they were buckled in the car Yoongi turned back to face Jimin. "Do you remember where the next stop is?" He asked sweetly. "Groshery!!" Jimin exclaimed mispronouncing the word.

Yoongi and Hoseok laughed."thats right baby" Hoseok said ruffling the boys hair. Yoongi started driving and soon they were on their way to getting food.


Idk I felt like updating okay?

I know its crazy, I'm updating on a Tuesday!!

Please vote and comment some questions you might have for me. About me or the story. I'm bored so I'll answer any in the comments.

See you next chapter ~

L O S T   K I T T E N - Sopemin/ YoonseokminWhere stories live. Discover now