1: P R E T T Y B A B Y

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Authors POV

Jimins head was pounding as he sat up. Remembering the events of yesterday he quickly opened his eyes and looked at his surroundings.

He was in a big room, the walls were a bright baby blue and the carpet played a purple rug. In the corner there was a huge chest of drawers with a toy box next to it. There was a huge cupboard on the wall.

He looked down and saw that he was sitting on a giant race car bed.

He could feel the tears filling up his eyes as he took in the unfamiliar environment. It looked like a toddlers bedroom. He brought his hands up to his tear stained cheek and whimpered.

He was feeling scared and didn't know what to do. All that his brain could think to do right now was cry.

He whimpered as he tried to stay as silent as possible, he didn't know that he had already been found out.

The door creaked open. Jimin quickly his under the covers, shaking violently. Suddenly he felt a soothing hand rubbing his back through the covers.

"Hey baby, you're finally awake" a smooth voice said.

The cover were pulled off of Jimin and he was picked up. He kept his eyes shut tight as he felt himself being placed into someone's lap.

"Awww poor baby, you must be hungry. After all you've been asleep for three days. I think daddy gave you too much medicine." The voice said rocking Jimin.

Jimin finally opened his eyes and was met with a pair of eyes staring right back at him. His face was puffy and red and he was still shaking.

"W-where am I?" Jimin asked the red headed man.

"You're home silly" the man said and booped Jimins small nose. He cringed away from the touch and felt more tears flowing down his face. He tried to move away but he couldn't feel his legs.

"W-what did you do to my legs!?" Jimin yelled as he flailed his arms violently.

The man quickly grabbed Jimins arms and held them down.

"We fixed them up" the man smiled. "We wouldn't want our pretty baby trying to run away now would we" he said running his fingers through Jimins greasy hair.

"Dont worry. They will get there strength back eventually"

"L-let me go!! I dont know you!! Where am I!?" Jimin said frantically as he tried to escape the unknown mans grip.

"Stop it right now or Dada will have to use the gag!!" The man said sternly. Glaring at the poor boy.

Jimin froze. The fear settling in. Suddenly the moment was interrupted by the sound of Jimins stomach grumbling.

"Aww is my little Jiminie hungry?" 'Dada' said.

Jimin simply looked away. Tears flowing down his red, puffed face.

The man easily pick up Jimin and held him on his hip. Jimin tried to protest but the man was much stronger than he was.

The man walked in the direction of where Jimin assumed was the kitchen. When they got there Jimin was placed in what looked like an adult sized high chair. The man buckled jimin in before clicking the tray in place.

"Okay Jiminie let's get you some yummys" the man said grinning. Jimin simply looked down at the tray with an emotionless face.

"Aww come on I know you miss daddy but he'll be home soon" the man said placing a small plastic bowl full of apple sauce in front of Jimin.

Jimin looked down at the food. He sniffed the air trying to find a funny smell or any indication of poison. It just smelt like normal apple sauce.

"Open wide" 'Dada' said holding up a spoonful to Jimins mouth. Jimin reluctantly opened his mouth, being too starving to care.

The man fed Jimin the whole bowl and then got up to wash the dishes.

"I'm not going to hurt you Jimin" the man said as he scrubbed the bowl. Jimin remained silent fiddling with his thumbs. He hadn't even noticed the fact that he was wearing a footsie onsie.

"We can take care of you. You'll be happy here. We just wanna give you a good life" the man said sitting a sippy cup on the tray.

Jimin didn't trust anything he was saying. He had been kidnapped and was now sitting in a giant high chair. He was scared and was finding it hard to process everything.

"Drink up baby, little boys need water to grow up big and strong" 'Dada' said pushing the sippy cup to Jimin.

"I-im not a baby" Jimin mumbled as he stared at the cup.

He could feel his mouth calling for the water but he wanted to keep his dignity.

"Baby boy" the man said softly "drink your water otherwise you will have to be punished."

Jimin didn't know what he meant by 'punished' but it scared him. He quickly picked up the cup and started sucking from the lid feeling embarrassed and scared.

Once he had finished the cup he sat it back on the tray. The man ruffled his hair as he picked up the empty cup.

"Good boy you drank it all!!" The man exclaimed happily.

Jimin jumped at his sudden change of tone. The man sat the sippy cup down on the sink and then took Jimin out of the highchair placing him back on his hip.

"Daddy's gonna be home in a minute' the man said smiling at Jimin.

Jimin loosely fisted the mans shirt scared of who 'daddy' might be. He remembered the face of the man who took him and felt a chill run down his spine.

The man walked into what looked like a lounge room with Jimin on his hip. He sat down on the couch with Jimin on his lap. He tried to move away but 'Dada' just pulled him back again.

The man started rocking Jimin slowly making him feel tired. Jimin was exhausted from all of the crying and felt himself drifting off to sleep.

The last words he heard before he drifted off was.

" ahh you're home. The baby's having a nap"

And with that he crashed.


Yo yo yo its another short and crappy update :D I had no idea what to write so I hope that this isn't too bad.

Writing is harder than it looks.

But yea. Please vote and comment if you have any things you would like to see into this book!!

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