3: A C C I D E N T

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Authors POV

The next morning Hoseok woke up on the couch alone. He smiled to himself thinking about the calm night he had spent cuddling with his husband.

Everything was peaceful until he heard a sudden cry coming from Jimins room. He quickly ran down the hall and to the small boys room to see what the commotion was about.

As he walked into the room he was met with a strong smell. He couldn't yet tell what it was so he walked further into the room. He saw Jimin laying in bed crying, he quickly ran over to the crying boy.

"Baby, what happened?" He asked while stroking the boys hair. "I-i needed to go to the toilet but I couldn't move a-and I.." Jimin tried to get out, chocking on sobs.

Understanding what the boy was saying Hoseok quickly picked the boy up and set him on the carpet. "Shhh its ok baby, accidents happen" he whispered as he stripped the bed sheets.

Jimin sat on the ground crying loudly as he watched the man throw the soiled sheets into the dirty wash basket.

"Ok, let's get you changed yea?" Hoseok cooed. He layed down the sobbing boy and began unbuttoning his onsie.

"NO NO NO!! NO SEE ME NAKED" Jimin cried, flailing his arms around rapidly. "Baby.. We have to get you changed. You and I both know that you can't do it yourself and I dont want you to get a rash" he said pulling the onsie off.

Jimin just sniffles and nodded slowly. Once his onsie and underpants were off he heard a draw open. "Now dont freak out but I want you to try something so that this doesn't happen again."

He lifted Jimins but and placed a nappy underneath. Feeling the odd object under him Jimin looked down and started crying again. "N-no!! I'm not a baby, I can go to the toilet!!" Jimin screamed trying to roll away.

Hoseok held him still and looked him straight in the eyes "but you didn't. You didn't even call out for me. Everyone has accidents but we dont want it to happen again ok?" 'Dada' asked as he stuck on the nappy.

Jimin turned his head and brought his hand up to wipe his tears. "Thats a good boy" Hobi said, pulling Jimin into his lap. Jimin shoved his face into his carers chest and cried.

"Daddy's gonna be home soon. So that we can.. Address our living situation." Jimin looked up at him confused. "You do wanna know why we have been treating you this way, right?" Hoseok said.

Thinking about it Jimin had noticed that they had been treating him strangely. From the child-like bedroom to highchairs and now a nappy. Jimin slowly nodded and went back to his position is Hoseoks chest.

He knows he shouldn't like it. The way it felt to have his kidnappers fingers running through his hair, the way it felt to have someone care. He had never been able to get this warm feeling back home. Back where he had no friends, no family, some days he couldn't even call that house a home.

But strangely here.. He felt content. The way they cared for him. The way they handled him like he was a fragile flower petal that could tare at any moment. He wasn't scared anymore. He no longer wanted to go home. He wanted to stay and cherish this warm feeling forever.

Noticing that the boy had suddenly gone quiet Hoseok looked down and saw the small smile on Jimins face. "What you thinking about bubba?" He asked, stroking Jimins hair.

"Dont make me go back." Hoseok was shocked. "W-what do you mean" he managed to stutter out. "I l-like it here. Please dont make me go back home" Jimin mumbled, fisting Hoseoks shirt. "Of course not baby, I would never let you go"

"Now come on, let's get a shirt on you" Hoseok smiled standing up with Jimin on his hip. Jimins face turned a deep red, he had gotten lost in his thoughts and forgotten about his lack of clothing. He shoved his face into the crook of Hoseoks neck.

After getting him into his shirt Hoseok took Jimin into the lounge room. He sat him in the couch and turned on cartoons. Jimin had never got to use the TV at his old home so this was all new to him. He watched carefully as the bright coloured characters moved around the TV while Hoseok made them breakfast. Hoseok decided to text Yoongi all that had happened.

Meanwhile with Yoongi~

"What did I just say. You either agree to the deal, or I shoot you right here." Yoongi growled as he held a gun to the school teachers head. He suddenly felt a vibration in his pocket.

"Urgh what is it now" he grumbled as he pulled out his phone with his free hand. "Aww looks like we better make this quick, my baby's are waiting for me."

"Here are your options. You either enroll him to the school I told you of and make sure no one asks questions. Or you die" Yoongi grinned evilly at the Innocent teacher.

"I-ill do it I promise I can get him into any school you want!!" The teacher pleaded. "Good, I want him enrolled by next Monday. Make it happen" Yoongi said as he shoved his gun back in his bag. He turned to one of his men and threw the bag to him.

"Untie him and make sure he does it. If he causes any trouble shoot him" he said with a cold face while walking to the exit.

Once he was out of the building he got into his car and drove straight home wanting to see his baby's.

He stepped put of the car and walked up to the front door. He walked inside and went to the kitchen were his husband was cooking eggs. "Oh you're back!!" Hoseok exclaimed. "How'd it go?" He whispered to his lover.

"It went well. If Jimin cooperates we should be able to let him go back to school in a weeks time."

Hoseok smiled at his husbands words. "Well come on, our Jiminie is waiting for is to have the talk" Hoseok said walking towards the lounge room with the plates of food with him.

They set down the food and started feeding Jimin. "Ok Jimin about what I said earlier.. I think its best if I let Yoongi explain.

After the talk~ (because I am v lazy.) \(•∆•\\)/

"S-so you want me to act like a baby?" Jimin asked puzzled. "Not act per say. It'll take time but I think you'll understand soon." Yoongi said rubbing the boys hair.

"You'll love it, trust me. You'll get to do all of the fun things you never got to!!" Hoseok smiled and rubbed the boys hair.

"Okay it sound fun.. B-but do I have to call you daddy and Dada..?" Jimin mumbled playing with his fingers nervously.

"Yes, it is a necessity" Yoongi said. Hoseok quickly hit his husbands shoulder earning a small ow. "Only when you're comfortable with it. For now you can call us whatever you want" Hoseok smiled warmly.

Jimin nodded and smiled to himself "okay" he mumbled behind a smile. Yoongi reached up and brought the others into a group hug. "Why dont we watch a movie" Yoongi asked sweetly. Jimin nodded quickly "can we watch the one with the skeleton people!? I saw it on the shelf in my room!!" Jimin asked excitedly.

"You mean coco baby?" Hobi laughed. "Yea that one!!"

Yoongi went and got the movie. Putting it into there DVD player. Yoongi layed down under the doona that was left from the night before and was passed Jimin by Hoseok. Hoseok held onto Jimin as the movie started.


Heyyyyy I finally updated!!

Btw idk if you've caught on but none of these are edited.

I wrote this while watching coco so it was my inspiration for this chapter I guess. Its not that good but hey, I'm not a professional or anything. You come to wattpad you get rookie books (and some really good ones I mean damn).

Next update will probably be in a couple of days because, school.

Thanks for reading, make sure to vote and comment!! See you next chapter 💕

L O S T   K I T T E N - Sopemin/ YoonseokminUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum