18 : M U M ?

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The sound of the front door opening brought Jimin out of his thoughts. He turned around from facing the wall and looked to see his Daddy walking in with his Dada.

Yoongi walked to the couch and sat down, Hoseok sitting next to him. "Jimin baby, can you come here please?" He said softly patting his lap.

Jimin stood up nervously and slowly walked towards them before standing infront of them. Yoongi pulled him forwards. Jimin sat sideways on Yoongis lap facing towards Hoseok.

"Now baby," Yoongi started. "Mind telling me why you're introuble?" He said softly, rubbing Jimins back.

Jimins eyes began to tear up, not liking the feeling of disappointing his carers. "I-I snuck away from my school work t-to play" he said quietly.

"And?" Yoongi asked.

"I made my room a mess.." Jimin whispered, tears started to slowly fall down his face.

Hoseok brought his hand up and wipe Jimins face. "Baby, why are you crying?" He asked softly, cupping Jimins face.

Jimin started crying harder. "I'm sorry!" He hiccuped. "I didn't mean to be a bad boy" he cried.

"Shhhh baby, its okay." Yoongi said continuing to rub Jimins back. "Do you promise not to do it again?" He asked.

"I promise" Jimin stated, his cries slowly turning into sniffles.

"Then that's good enough for me" Yoongi smiled bringing the boy into a hug. Hoseok smiled and rubbed Jimins back.

"I-I love you b-both" Jimin whispered softly into Yoongis chest. Yoongi and Hoseok looked at eacher shocked. Hoseoks eyes started tearing up as he grinned. "We love you so much baby. So so much, my baby." He said hugging Jimin and Yoongi tightly.


~ later that day ~

Jimin sat in the loungeroom hugging his teddy close while watching cartoons on the TV.

Yoongi was leaning against the counter of the kitchen while Hoseok looked through the cupboards for something to make for dinner. "Ugh, we really need to do groceries" he spoke to himself before turning around. "Yoongs we need to do groceries, can you get Jimin dressed?" He said. Yoongi smiled and nodded.

He walked towards the loungeroom and turned off the TV causing Jimin to whine. "I'm sorry baby but Dada wants to go grocery shopping so you have to get dressed" Yoongi said walking towards Jimin.

Jimin nodded and stood up, he grabbed Yoongis hand and headed towards his room.

Yoongi opened up the closet and looked at Jimin. "Okay baby, what do you wanna wear?" He asked filtering through all of the Jumpers.

"Dat one" Jimin pointed towards a light purple oversized hoodie.

Soon enough Jimin was dressed, he had the hoodie on, a pair of light blue jeans and some black hightop converse.

They headed back down to the loungeroom where Hoseok was waiting with the car keys in his hands. Jimin smiled and walked over to give him a hug.

"Dada chu like my outfit?" He asked looking up at Hoseok with shining eyes. Hoseok smiled brightly and nodded. "You look adorable my baby." He said patting Jimins head.

They all walked to the car, Yoongi getting in the driver's seat while Hoseok buckled Jimin in before getting in himself.

They drove down to the store that was 10 minutes away from their house and parked. Hoseok opened Jimins door and smiled at him. "We're here baby, come to dada" he said undoing the seatbelt. Jimin was quick to jump out and cling onto Hoseok.

Hoseok laughed and spun him around for a second before sitting him down and pinching his sides softly. "You're just the cutest thing ever" he said adoringly as Yoongi watched them with a smile.

They all walked into the stoor side by side. Both of Jimins daddy's each holding on of his hands. He couldn't ever imagine going back to his life with out them.

They walked in the door and Hoseok let go of Jimins hand to go and grab a small trolley. "Hey baby, do you wanna push the trolley for dada?" He asked.

Jimin smiled happily "Yes! I can do it!" And grabbed the handles pushing it slowly walking next to Hoseok while Yoongi held the front to make sure he didn't crash into anything.

Jimin slowly started to get bored as they walked around the shops. He turned to Hoseok who was looking at different cereals and grabbed his hand. "Dada we almost done?" He asked pouting. Hoseok looked down and the sulking boy and rubbed Jimins fluffy hair softly, sweeping his faded pink bangs out of his eyes. "Almost done baby, just a few more things" he said turning back to the cereal.

Yoongi stood next to the trolley equally as bored scrolling through his phone.

Soon enough they had finally finished. Hoseok and Yoongi were packing the groceries into the boot of the car while Jimin stood around and waited to be put in his seat.

He looked across the street observing his surroundings and suddenly froze. Across the street he sees his mother. She's walking slowly holding hands with a man. They're both talking and laughing happily. Shes even dressed up nicely. Not how she would usually be when Jimin got home. Jimin feels a pang in his heart as he watches them.

'She.. she really never loved me' he thought. He had already known this but seeing just how happy she was without him shattered his heart. At one point she was all he had. Even though she would only yell at him and force him to clean up after her drunken self he thought that maybe she still had the tiniest bit of love for him somewhere in her heart. 'I was never wanted, I was just a burden' he thought as he stared at her retreating firgure.

He blankly stared at the ground. Too trapped in his thoughts to notice his boyfriends had finished packing the groceries away. He looked up when he felt someone grab his shoulder. Smiling down at him was his daddy's, his happiness... the ones that saved him.

They had shown him so much love. He could finally say that he's felt real happiness since he met them. He felt himself start to tear up. Eyes stinging as he looked at the men infront of him.

"Are you ready to go home baby?"


Authors note:

Sorry for the slow update, I was sick and then my city went into lockdown for the first time in over a year so I'm depressed af 🥲

Thank you all for the continuous support and I hope you all continue to enjoy my story 💜

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