17 : M I S B E H A VE

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"Kitten It's time to wake up" Hoseok said shaking Jimin softly.

"No~ 'm tired" Jimin whined pouting.

"Daddy's about to leave for work, don't you wanna come say goodbye?" Hoseok said running his fingers through Jimins hair softly.

Jimin sat up quickly. "Daddy's leaving??" He asked looking at Hoseok.

"Yes baby. He's been off work for 2 weeks now. He can't stay home forever" he said, looking at the adorable pouty boy.

Jimins bottom lip started quivering and his eyes started tearing up. Hoseok noticed this and pulled the boy in for a hug. "Its okay baby, he'll be home by dinner time, don't cry" he said softly, rubbing Jimins back.

"Let's go say goodbye okay?"

Jimin nodded. Sniffling he brought his hands up and rubbed the unshed tears out of his eyes. He looked at Hoseok and reached out his hands. "U-up?" He asked shyly.

"Oh my adorable baby, of course" Hoseok said smiling brightly. He bent down and lifted Jimin up, placing his hands under Jimins butt. Jimin wrapped his arms around Hoseoks shoulders and snuggled into the crook of his neck still feeling sleepy.

They walked towards the kitchen where Yoongi was quickly finishing his breakfast. He took the last bite of his toast before looking up and meeting the eyes of his husband, Jimin cuddled into him.

He stood up smiling softly. "Goodmorning baby boy" he said rubbing Jimins back. Jimin quickly wiggled out of Hoseoks hold and turned around to hug Yoongi tightly. "Do you have to go to work?" He asked softly.  Voice muffled as he pushed himself against Yoongis chest.

Yoongi hugged Jimin softly before pulling away and holding his face. "I'm sorry bub, I do. But I'll come home as soon as I can okay?" He said before leaning in and pecking Jimins nose. Jimin blushed and looked down.

"Okay.." he said sadly.

"I have to go now, you be a good boy for dada okay" Yoongi said before walking over to give Hoseok a kiss. "See you later!" He shouted before walking out the door.

Hoseok clapped his hands before looking down and the sulking boy. "Okay! Breakfast time " He smiled. "Come here Jimin let me put you in your seat" he said reaching his hands out.

Jimin leaned up wrapping his arms around Hoseok as he was lifted into his seat. Hoseok put the tray ontop and went to grab jimin some cereal as they were running out of groceries.

He sat down the bowl and looked at Jimin "what do you say?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Thank chu dada" Jimin said shyly. Hoseok smiled and ruffled his hair. "Good boy." Jimin blushed.

"Okay now say ah" Hoseok said holding up the spoon. Jimin stretched his arms and whined "Dada I can feed myself~" Hoseok froze. He sat down the spoon before grabbing his heart and fake crying "m-my baby doesn't want me anymore." He cried out.

Jimin looked at him shocked "N-no daddy you can feed me! You can feed me!" He said quickly not meaning to upset his carer.

Hoseok stopped and quickly laughed. "I'm just kidding baby, I'm not upset. I'm still gonna feed you though." He said smiling. Jimin crossed his arms and pouted. "Meanie" he whispered.

~ after breakfast ~

Hoseok and Jimin sat on the couch. A laptop infront of them. "Do you understand baby? All you have to do is read the chapters and then answer the questions. Can you do that?" Jimin nodded. "I can do it"

Hoseok sat down supervising Jimin. "Good job! You're doing so well baby!!" He said enthusiastically. Jimin smiled up at him loving the praise he was getting.

"I'm gonna go get started on lunch, you keep doing your work okay?" Hoseok said reaching down to pinch Jimind cheek. "Yesh dada" he said before looking back towards the computer.

~ 10 minutes later ~

Jimin began to grow bored, he looked towards the kitchen. He could hear Hoseok humming as he cooked something. 'Dada won't notice if I leave for just a second will he?' He thought.

He stood up slowly tiptoeing to his room. He looked around at the room, shelves filled with toys all around it. He smiled brightly as he saw a box of Lego's. He grabbed it off the shelf and began building, scattering Lego's all around the floor.

He quickly got bored of building and looked around for a new toy to play with. Soon enough the room was a mess, toys scattered everywhere with Jimin in the middle giggling as he played with some toy cars.

"Jimin? Baby where'd you go??" Hoseok called from the hallway. Jimin froze hearing footsteps approaching the room.

Hoseok walked in and gasped staring at the mess infront of him. Lego's everywhere, Barbie dolls and clothes on the floor along with toy cars. The room was trashed.

"PARK JIMIN!!" He shouted angrily. The guilty boy looked up slowly, tears starting to gather in his eyes as he looked at his angry caregiver. "I-" he started.

"I don't want to hear it" Hoseok said. "I leave for a few minutes to cook lunch and you sneak away from your schooling to come and trash your room!?!?" He shouted. His eyebrows were scrunched, face contorting in anger.

"I-im sorry" Jimin stuttered out shaking.

"Save it. I'm going to call daddy. When I get back I expect you to be cleaning up this mess. Understood?" Jimin nodded quickly. Staring down and fiddling with his fingers.

Hoseok walked out of the room. Jimin jumped to action and starting packing the toys away.

Soon enough Hoseok walked back in. "Daddy's on his way home. Seriously, it's his first day back at work and you decide to act up" he grumbled.

"Come with me." They walked towards the kitchen. Hoseok picked up Jimin and sat him in his highchair. "As much as I'm angry I can't let you starve" he sighed. He quickly fed Jimin his food in silence. After the food was done he picked up a wet wipe and started cleaning Jimins face. Jimin looked up and stared at him feeling guilty. He was amazed at how caring the man was even when he was introuble.

Hoseok took Jimin out of the chair and placed him on the ground. "I want you to go sit in that corner quietly until daddy gets home, then we'll discuss a punishment." He spoke.

Jimin nodded and sadly walked to the corner, sitting down quietly.


Authors note -

I can't believe so many people are reading my story :o

Thank you all again 💜🥲

L O S T   K I T T E N - Sopemin/ YoonseokminМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя