16 : C O M F O R T

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It had been 2 weeks since the incident. Jimin had been too traumatised to leave the house in fear of being taken again but he was slowly getting better. Ironic isn't it. He was kidnapped from his kidnappers. But he didn't like to think that way anymore. They had given him food, a warm bed to sleep in and most of all love. Something he never experienced growing up.

He had been in little space almost 24 / 7. Both of his caregivers staying home to give him reassurance that everything was fine and nothing like this would ever happen again.

Jimin was sat in his highchair fiddling with the arms of his teddy bear and sucking on a pacifier. He had found himself using it more often now, it being a source of comfort for him.

Hoseok and Yoongi were in the kitchen making breakfast while having a conversation about jimins schooling. "There's no way he can go back there. Not after what happened." Hoseok said.

Yoongi sighed. "He can do online school, I can stay home and supervise him while you work." Hoseok said.

Yoongi nodded. "I think that would be best for him.

They both picked up their plates and sat them on the table, Hoseok also handing Jimin his plastic plate with waffles and strawberries ontop.

"Thank chu dada" Jimin said, his pacifier dropping out of his mouth. And falling onto the tray. Hoseok picked it up and sat it onto the table.

"You're very welcome baby, would you like Dada to feed you?" He smiled warmly at his adorable baby.

"No fair I wanna feed him" Yoongi said standing infront of Jimin and squishing his face. Jimin giggled loudly making them both coo.

"Chu both feeds me?" He asked with an adorable smile.

"Aweee how can we say no to you" Hoseok said while smothering Jimins face with kisses. Yoongi watched them both with a fond smile on his face.

~ after breakfast ~

After wiping his face Hoseok picked Jimin up out of his highcair and carried him to the living room.

"Kitten, daddy and I have something we want to talk to you about. Is that okay?"

Jimin just hummed and fiddled with the loose strings on his jumper.

"Well.." Yoongi spoke. "We understand you don't want to continue going to school-"

Jimin looked up at the mention of school and cut Yoongi off. "NO NO please no school they'll find me again!!" He yelled out.

Hoseok hushed him and pulled him onto his lap. Rocking him back and forth. "No one has to go back there baby, don't worry.

Jimin sniffled and clung onto his dadas shirt.

"We were thinking you could do online school if that's okay with you bubba. Dada can stay home so you won't be alone and you can help him around the house too! Doesn't that sound fun?" Yoongi asked slowly reaching forward to rub Jimins hair.

Jimin leaned into the touch and sniffled again "T-that sounds okay.." he said looking up at Yoongi.

"My good boy" Yoongi grinned leaning forward to peck Jimins nose.

Jimin giggled. "No daddy, tickles Minnie's nose" he said scrunching his nose cutely.

They spent the rest of the day cuddling on the couch watching Jimins choice of cartoons. Tomorrow Yoongi would be going back to work and Jimin would start his online school.

Hoseok looked down noticing Jimin had fallen asleep. His eyelashes rested on his chubby pink cheeks, his hair falling beautifully over his eyes and soft puffs of air leaving his mouth.

He leaned over to whisper to Yoongi. "Mind carrying him to his bed while I have a quick shower?" He asked.

"Of course baby" Yoongi replied pecking his husbands lips before picking up the sleeping boy. Jimin sighed and clung onto Yoongi in his sleep making the mans heart feel warm.

He slowly walked down the hall and to Jimins room using one hand to push the blanket back before putting Jimin down.

Jimin whined in his sleep and reached around for his teddy. Feeling it next to him he smiled and tugged it close.

Watching this Yoongis heart felt warm. Like the thing that had been missing from their life was finally here. He pushed Jimins hair out of his face softly before pecking his forehead. "Goodnight baby" he whispered and left the room.


Authors note -

Just a nice fluffy filler chapter. I hope you guys enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment if you like :)

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