Chapter 51- 'Till We Meet Again

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I sighed and put my hands over Louis's hands. It just felt, right being in his arms. I was going to miss him so much, Hell, I will miss all of my mates terribly. I didn't want to leave them, but I couldn't stay. I was a mother first, and I know my kids will need me. I sighed and leaned back into Louis's chest. I really didn't want to move. I didn't want to leave them. I wanted to take them home with me. But I couldn't which made me sad. I sighed sadly and closed my eyes. I could feel Louis kissing my neck, slowly and softly. I smiled lightly and reached my hand around and grabbed his hair. I felt him hum against my skin before he sucked on my skin, leaving yet another hickey. I groaned loudly and gripped the railing with my free hand. "Hey lovebirds, can we come in to get a hug goodbye or are you gonna have sex again?" I could hear Harry shout and Niall chuckle. I nodded my head, my eyes still closed. 

"S-sure, God Louis," I said, groaning at the end. I heard them walk off the balcony and felt Louis pull me into our room, closing the door behind him. I helped him close all the windows inside so no one could see in. A moment later, I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to find my other three mates there. I stepped aside so they could come in and quickly shut the door. I looked at the clock, 11:45 am. I smiled and locked the door before giving Niall a kiss, then Liam, and finally Harry. Each one was a deep, heartfelt kiss. I savored every moment of it. It would be a while before I felt it again. I smiled at them then pulled them all into a big hug. I was stuck in the middle, not like I was complaining. I smiled and wiped away the stray tears that fell down. I didn't want them to feel my pain because it would make the sorrow of leaving even sadder. The entire room had a melancholy feel to it, we would probably all be crying if it were not for everyone trying to be strong so the others wouldn't cry. Hell, that's what I was doing. "I'm gonna miss you guys," I whispered softly, but loud enough for them to hear me. 

"We're gonna miss you more, trust me," Harry said, his voice raspy and sad. I frowned slightly and pulled away from the hug dispersing it. It was really a somber moment. I looked at the clock again, 12 pm. I only had 30 minutes with my mates left. I couldn't let these moments go to waste. 

"I want a call as soon as you're available every day starting today, whether it be for 1 minute or 1 hour, I want a call every day. No ifs, ands or buts, got it," I said, pointing at them, they nodded quickly and smiled lightly. 

"We were already planning on it love, don't worry," Liam said and I smiled and sat down on the bed. I sighed deeply and looked up at them. Liam and Niall sat beside me, Harry and Louis stood in front of me. I smiled and leaned my head on Niall's shoulder. Liam put his hand on my bare thigh and rubbed circles on it. I sighed and frowned, closing my eyes softly. 

"Simon wants Louis to come with me to say goodbye in the airport and be a typical married couple, like holding hands, hugging, kissing, which I don't have a problem with, I just don't like shoving my relationship in other people's faces. It rude, obnoxious, and really disrespectful to others," I say and I hear Harry sigh.

"Welcome to the world of famous people," he says and I sigh. We spent the rest of the 25 minutes talking, being affectionate, and trying to make the moments last. When a knock came at the door, we knew it was time and all left. We all hugged goodbye, I grabbed my stuff and Louis's hand and walked out with them. At the airport, I gave Louis a long hug, a deep kiss, and a simple wave before going into the airport to board my flight.

The flight was long, the car ride home was a lot shorter and filled with hope and excitement. I stepped out of the car, thanked the driver, and got my stuff. I went into my room, where Zayn was sleeping soundly. I quickly took my converse off but left my socks on. I quietly unpacked the laid down next to Zayn, cuddling into his chest. He stirred and held me close. He kissed my forehead and buried his face into my hair. "Welcome back love," he mumbled and I smiled lightly. I kissed his bare chest softly and quickly got under the covers, tangling my legs with his, feeling perfectly happy and at home in his arms. 

It was going to be a long five months, but I'll get by with Zayn and my kids. I'll have my fourth child while I'm with Zayn and at the castle. I'll get to bond with my kids and Zayn, maybe even become so close with them, that we'll become a big family. The other boys will get to talk to their kids nightly, which is good. 

New Years, Christmas, and other holidays were spent with family and friends. The kids got new toys and were very excited to play with them.

James and Hans started being homeschooled with Kelly by a nice teacher names Mrs. Levesque, who I know will be good to them and teach them everything they need to know. 

As for me and Zayn? We grew close, Hell, we're never apart. We've become a couple permanently on a honeymoon. It's the good in my life that I'm glad to finally have. 

Maybe, things won't be so bad after all. 

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