Chapter 46-New Mate

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The two weeks went by fast. We spent days relaxing, having fun in many ways, and enjoying each other's company. It was really the best two weeks I ever had. But, like most good things in my life, it quickly came to an end. I finished packing all of my stuff into my suitcase and handed it to Liam, a light smile on my face. I checked around the house to make sure no one forgot anything, which no one did. I grabbed Niall and I's guitar cases and walked outside. Harry closed and locked the door then put the key in the lockbox. He locked the box and silently took Niall's guitar case from me. The boys went into the two SUV's and my stuff and myself were put in a separate one. Simon had bought their tickets so they would leave straight away. First to Australia, then to Asia, then Europe, North America, Africa, and finally South America. I stood outside their cars as they loaded their things in. I was certainly crying by then. I wrapped my arms around myself in an attempt to stop the crying.  I closed my eyes and tried to start breathing properly again. I felt someone's arms around me and I immediately hugged back. It felt good to be this close with my mates, then they just had to leave. I cried into the person's chest as they stroked my hair. "We'll be back soon my love, I swear," Louis mumbled from above me. I cried a little harder and gripped his shirt. He pulled away a little while later and let the others give me a hug and a kiss. I was still crying slightly and gave my last hug to Zayn. 

"I'll be back soon my beautiful wife, I promise," He said and kissed my forehead. I nodded slightly and pulled away from him after a few minutes. 

"I love you guys," I say, looking at them. They responded with an 'I love you too' from each of the boys. I got in the car and left, smiling a small smile and waving to them. I could see their cars behind me as we left the cabin. I bit my lip to hold back my sobs and looked straight ahead through the windshield. These 6 months were going to belong. 

I got on the private plane and handed my stuff to the runway guy. He put it away then slowly walked away from the plane, observing it. I got in my seat and sighed slightly. It was only 6 am and I've cried myself dry. I drank a bag of blood and a water bottle on the plane and threw the empty containers away. I felt like I was sending my mates off into war again, but they were just going on tour and doing some interviews. We made a promise to Skype each other every night and to give their kids a kiss when I got home. I looked out the window as the long and hard road ahead started to take form. 

I couldn't go to sleep on the plane, even though I was exhausted. I missed having my mates' arms around me already. It was a long flight from Georgia back to England, where the castle was. 9 hours and 30 minutes according to the clock, which now read 3:45 pm. I got off the plane where Leila, Toby, and Josh were waiting for me. "Where are your mates?" Leila asked and I sighed sadly, looking over at her.

"Simon called them. Their contract doesn't expire until one more album is released, meaning that he still owns them. He wants them to go on a world tour and made them go on a flight to Australia. So I won't see them for another 6 months. I would be there, but, ya' know, baby on the way and kids at home," I explained. "Speaking of which, where are the kids?" I asked looking over at them. 

"With the nanny. Oh, Emily, I'm so sorry," she said and hugged me. A new wave of tears came over me and I cried into her shoulder. I could feel Toby and Josh's hands rubbing my back. I sobbed into her shoulder as she whispered comforting things in my ear, trying to get me to cheer up. I really appreciated having a sister right about now and pulled away softly. 

"I'm sorry, I got your shirt wet," I say, wiping my tears. She laughs lightly and kisses my forehead.

"I don't really care about that, you're more important. We'll be here for you. All four of us," she said and smiled at me. 

"Four of you?" I ask looking around. 

"We found our final mate while you were gone. An actor from a Shakespearean tavern. His name is Thomas William Hiddleston, well, Regbo now. But he likes to be called Tom. He's great, though he is crazy tall, being 6 foot 2. But he's sweet and caring. He's with the kids right now, bonding with them. I'm actually pregnant with his child now, so, yea, pregnant sisters, again. He'll be there for you, I know that for a fact," she says, rambling a bit. I smiled at her and hugged her again. 

"I'm so happy for you, now let's go home. I just want to unpack and relax," I say and grab my suitcase and guitar bag.

Once I got in my room, after saying hello to Tom, who was amazingly nice and I was glad my sister found him, I unpacked my suitcase, putting all my dirty clothes in the laundry hamper and putting everything back to where it was. I laid on the bed, my sons and daughter being put down for a nap, and grabbed one of the boy's pillow. I could tell it was Niall's from the scent and smiled lightly. I missed my boys, but they will be in my arms again soon. I could count on that. It would be just a long time without them

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