Chapter 28-Homeward Bound

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Zayn slowly put me down and sat me on the bed. "Don't move babe," he said and kissed my forehead. He then pulled his father out of the room. I read their thoughts to make sure I didn't need to break up anything. I sighed when I heard that both of them were just thinking about the past. I laid down on the bed and rubbed my little bump. "Hey baby girl, how are you? I can't wait to see you baby girl. Daddy and I love you very much," I said, smiling as she kicked. My little girl was going to be strong, just like her dad. I smiled and rubbed it lightly as I walked over to the window. 

"Why do birds suddenly appear                                                                                                                             Every time you are near?                                                                                                                                             Just like me, they long to be.                                                                                                                                   Close to you

Why do stars fall down from the sky
Every time you walk by?
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you

On the day that you were born the angels got together
And decided to create a dream come true
So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold and starlight in your eyes of blue

That is why all the boys in town
Follow you all around
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you

On the day that you were born the angels got together
And decided to create a dream come true
So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold and starlight in your eyes of blue

That is why all the boys in town
Follow you all around
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you

Just like me, they long to be
Close to you

Wa, close to you
Wa, close to you
Ha, close to you
La, close to you"

I sang, gently rubbing my bump. I smiled sadly out the window. "You sing beautifully," I heard Trisha say as she walked in. I shook my head, ignoring her. "Her name is Eisa Naria Malik, and she will be born at home, not here, I can promise you that," I say, not removing my eyes from the trees outside. I feel someone grab my shoulder. I grab the wrist and look down to see Zayn's tattoo and look up at him. He smiles at me and I gently remove my hand from his wrist. I kiss him gently, knowing very well that his parents are in the room.  He kisses back and pulls away gently. 

"We will stop the war if Zayn marries a girl named  Jelena Noura Hadid," Yaser says. "He can't, by your law, he can't marry anyone but me," I say, smirking and proudly holding up my engagement ring. "I'm pregnant with his child, engaged to him, with the wedding in less than 2 weeks, meaning that, by one of the original laws, that he can not break off the engagement and we can't get divorced," I say, placing my hand on my hip, smirking. Then, a blonde anorexic-looking girl comes in with brunette with eyebrows as big as squirrel's tails. (a/n= I love them so much, i mean no hate)

I see Zayn freeze up and hold my hand, gently pushing me behind him, as to act as a human shield

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I see Zayn freeze up and hold my hand, gently pushing me behind him, as to act as a human shield. I look up at him and see the anger in his black eyes. "GiGi, Cara," he says, venom leaking from every letter. "Zayn, you left me for this tramp, God, this is a major downgrade for you," the blonde says and I glare at her. "At least I eat 3 meals a day without throwing it up, and I am the only hybrid in existence, so he got a major upgrade for you, blonde bimbo" I yell at her, fighting against Zayn, ready to punch this whore. 

I saw Yaser and Trisha pushing them out. "Zayn, you didn't tell me your mate was a hybrid," Yaser says, slowly getting more interested. I calmed down and gently leaned on his chest and nodded. "Werewolf-vampire hybrid. Princess of the vampires," I say, like reciting it from a speech. Yaser smiles and nods, accepting me and his son. "I'm sorry for all this trouble, how about you call the rest and we can come to a truce," Yaser said and gave Zayn a phone. I took it out of his hand and types Louis' number since I knew his by memory. 

I heard it ring before a groggy Louis picked up since we apparently were in a different time zone. "Hello?" he said, making my heart beat pick up. "Loubear?" I say, my voice betraying me, as it sounded like I'm about to cry. I heard him sit up and other people groan. "Emily? Is that you?" I heard him say and others scramble. "Yeah, it's me, they want to come to a peace, they want to meet and stop the war," I say, crying tear of happiness. This stupid war has gone on for 6 months, which is 6 months too long. "Yeah, okay, when? Where?" he says, asking Liam for a pen and paper. I ask Yaser and frowned at the response. "The day before the wedding, at your place, since he knows it's royal tradition for the bride not to see the grooms a day before the wedding," I say, sadly. I gave Trisha the phone when she took it. "We will return Emily and Zayn the day before the treaty is made, so you can see her before the day starts," she says and hands the phone to me and I smile. "I love you all," I say into the phone, hearing him breathe in and out. "We love you too baby girl, we love you too," he says and I hang up. I'll see you soon boys, I promise. Then, someone bursts into the room.


Yeahhhhh, longer chapters, as promised

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