Chapter 29~

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Chapter 29 ~ I Know You Have The Royal Stone


You must have a pretty interesting destiny...

His words continued ringing in my head as I walked along the halls of Fexsierra at exactly half past eight. Yesterday was the most unproductive day I've ever experienced so far. I stayed in that wretched bed for the whole day, listening to Mister Evian babble on about how magnificent the academy is. I watched him as he brew some type of potion in his little corner of the room. Luckily, I learned some inside information about my Professors and how I should approach them. But, saviour knows that I'm as stubborn as a mule.

I was supposed to be at Homeroom at eight o' clock. But, since I have free period after that, I decided to just skip the whole thirty minutes of my time to sneak out of the Nurse's office at midnight and grab some new clothes at my door. Luckily, Aurora was sleeping soundly. Now, I wanted to talk to the Headmistress about the condition of my team.

I turned the corner and made my way towards the elevator. I stopped in front of it and waited for the platform for me to step in. To my surprise, when the elevator door opened, there stood my beloved brother, I growled and took a step back to let him through. I watched him smirk as he exited the elevator with his team.

"Team, I'd like all of you to meet my beloved sister, Magnolia." He introduced me and I simply pushed my way to the elevator. "Hey! 'Lone Wolf', I'm not done with you yet!" Oliver tugged my arm, making me fall on my back.

"What's your damage, Oliver?" I yelled and before I could get on my two feet, a Diavon stepped on my shoulder, now my back was on the cold hard floor.

"As far as I can remember, that's not how you're supposed to treat a Prince, 'Lone Wolf'. Especially Oliver Lunacine himself." He neared his face forward to mine and near enough to spit on his face, which I did exactly. He wiped my spit and gave me a menacing glare.

"Get off of me!" I commanded him, but he didn't move an inch.

"This should teach you a lesson." Oliver shoved his hands on the pocket of his pants and smirked. He nodded over at one of King Ignatius's sons, "Gluny, go easy on my sister."

"I dare you to!" I growled and drew back a snarl.

Gluny then shook his head and punched a whole on the side of my head. My right ear pounded in hear and my eyes widened at his sudden smirk. "A good scare should scare the little tiny wolf inside of you." Gluny stood up and my eyes stayed at him and Oliver's team continued staring back at mine, with no emotion. "Oh!" He exclaimed and he caught my attention. "But, I forgot that you don't have anything inside of you. You're just a hollow Wolvarian with nothing to look forward to in the future. I mean, who have heard of a single creature walking on this go forsaken planet without a Beast Form!"

"A freak of nature if I have to say so myself." A Sirehnah with the same looks of Professor Liquaxis spoke to me in a very cold tone.

"I never knew what my auntie ever saw in you." A male Gorgodian stepped forward and inspected me closer.

"You've got to be kidding me! I thought if we ever have your Auntie as our Professor Supervisor, we would've been at the top at our first year here at the academy." A female Gigantor sighed and glared her penetrating orange eyes at the Headmistress's nephew.

I watched as a Pastorian beside her nodded in agreement. "It will just be a waste of energy." Then, he shot Oliver a friendly smirk. "But, you'll have to try even harder. All the teams here have their eyes at the top of everyone. Since Black Tulip will be the main threat for that, we'll just have to do something about it."

"Titles are very important in this academy." It was Princess Zephyrine's turn to speak.

"You should be grateful to the titles we've given you and your group! What a wonderful combination of a 'Lone Wolf', a 'Candy Cat', a 'Lazy Bone', a 'Wall Outcast', a 'Knowledge Thief', a 'Sneaky Fox', and a 'Sea Serpent'. Pretty creative, don't you think?" He smirked and turned to his group. "You're probably dying to meet my precious team, Team Silver Storm." He smirked and nodded at Prince Gluny to release me. Which he completely complied to.

"I am the Amber Demon, Gluny Ignatius, and the fourth Prince of the Fire Kingdom." He replied and I abruptly stood up. Without giving them a second glance, I pushed past them and tried to make it to the elevator.

The Headmistress's nephew stood in my way and gave me a light push. "Prince Oliver hasn't dismissed you yet. So rude." He commented and his sharp snake-like gaze penetrated through my soul. Why haven't I turned into stone yet?

"Easy!" Oliver exclaimed. "Clover here is a unique Gorgodian with the ability to actually control his ability to freeze people. A true McGorgon and he truly lives up to his title as Mr. Paralyze." I busted out a mock laugh as Oliver stared at me.

"Mr Paralyze? That was the best one you could come up with? And, really? Amber Demon? Who gave you the authority to call us such silly names? Sneaky Fox, yes, I have to agree on that one, but, really? Lazy Bone? Have you been stalking us for these past weeks?" My voice was all laced in pure sarcasm. "I have to go now." I tried to push through the two burly boys and when I looked I saw them glaring at me with pure hatred. "Let me pass through!" I growled this time.

"Magnolia, sooner or later, you and your little gang will soon find out about how it 'really' works around here." Oliver nodded over at Mr. Paralyze and the stupid hot-headed. When they stepped aside, I practically sprinted at the elevator and touched the pedestal. I breathed a sigh.

I know you have the Royal Stone, Magnolia. A whisper managed to went through my brain and I instantly shivered. It was Oliver.

As far as I recalled from our recent conversation, I tried my best to not think about the Royal Stone... But how could I? When it's literally at the palm of my hand.


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