Chapter 3 ~

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Chapter 3 ~ Not Again


Four years later, when I gave my people a piece of my mind, everything went... amazing! Ha! The sorry faces of them were priceless! Honestly, though, I felt like I just let out a massive weight behind me. As for my brother, after that night, we fixed everything together and got along since then, but, I can always see this distant glint in his eyes everytime he comes and visit. Today, I'm currently busy with my daily sparring lesson with father.

We were at a field of flowers at the back of the castle, also known as the sparring grounds where newly appointed soldiers are sent here to train. I wore my training boots, shaggy, but comfortable pants and an oversized shirt that I got out of my brother's closet. Might as well play dress-up while he's not around.

I smirked when my father's double-edged scythe swung past me. I took the opportunity to step forward and turned my spear towards the handle of his scythe, which flew over me and I swiftly elbowed him at his stomach mercilessly, and once he landed onto the ground, I pointed him the pointy end of my spear. "Come on, Dad. You don't always have to go easy on me like that. I can stand my own ground! I swear!" I reeled back my spear and sighed.

"No swearing for you, little lady." He smirked as he cleared his throat and I took a step back. He raised his hand towards his double-edged scythe and used his Dusk Aura to surround his weapon by the handle, and his hands made a movement as if he was pulling his weapon out of thin air. Which the weapon complied to and lifted itself off the ground. My father smirked, and I remembered my own charming smirk, call it whatever you want, but, I think charming suited it the most. You should've known by now that I'm known for my gorgeous looks and dashing personality! I heard my father laugh and wiped a tear under his eye, "Oh, really? Then, can you explain why none of the boys in our kingdom asked for your hand yet."

What? I was furious! I didn't give him permission to read my mind, furthermore, use an unusual spell to do so!

"Honey, when you're the one who makes up the rules, it's easy to say what's right and wrong."

I didn't-. This time, I used my voice, "That's unfair!" I pouted, and he placed his hand right between my ears.

I pouted. "One more match! Pretty Please!" I clapped my hands together and pleaded.

"No princess, you're already behind on most of your studies." He padded the space between my ears and kissed my forehead. "Do me a favor and focus on your studies."

I sighed. "Fine! I bet you just wanted me to pass that test so that you can get rid of me, just like what you did to my dear Oliver."

He chuckled and said, "Correct, the castle will never be the same without you and Oliver in it." We started walking past training soldiers. Their pants, grunts, and gasps were audible as we walked past them and I took a glimpse at my father's tall figure. I saw him smile and saluted a soldier and I shifted my attention to the soldier he greeted and saw the eyes of Aldon Oleander, a proud council member, head of the Oleander family and also the captain of the royal guards.

I smiled at him and saluted him. He chuckled and saluted back. When we arrived at the entrance of the castle, my father was quickly swarmed with maids and butlers, reminding him about his busy schedule.

"My King! The First Lady of the House of Pellegrino has been waiting for your presence for the past twenty minutes!" A man with purple wisps around him reminded my father as a matter-of-factly. "Where have you've been? What could be more important than the meeting with one of your most trusted council member." With that, I stood back and made my way towards the appointed room where I do my studies.

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