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Shadow's POV
I have been carrying Sonic to G.U.N., almost all the way. I liked having him close to me and in my arms. I knew he was safe when he was.

"Are we almost there?" Sonic asked.

"As I said ten seconds ago, we're almost there." I replied.

"Why don't we just chaos control there?" Sonic asked.

"G.U.N. has made a shield around the base so they can see when and where chaos energy is used. So if we chaos control there they will know that we're there and who knows what they will do." I explained.

"Do you think they will attack you? I mean you work there." Sonic asked.

"I'm more worried that they will hurt you." I said.

"Don't worry so much." Sonic said and nuzzled my shoulder. I smiled and kissed the top of his head. I saw G.U.N.'s headquarters not far away. I placed Sonic back on his feet and took his hand.

"Stay quiet." I said as I continued walking. Sonic nodded and followed me.

Rouge's POV
The agents finally left. Now I was alone in the cell. I was tied to a chair but that didn't stop me. I always know how to escape. But sadly I couldn't reach my laser lipstick. I had to call Shadow. He doesn't know that they're watching him. Everyone is in danger. Only my arms and we're tied so I could still use my upper body. I could reach my wrist communicator so I used my nose to call Shadow.

"What do you want Rouge? I'm busy at the moment." Shadow said, he sounded irritated.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"At G.U.N., why?" Shadow replied.

"Shadow! Get out of there!" I yelled.

"Stop yelling, you're blowing our cover-"

The call was ended and the agents stood in front of me again.

"Thought your plan would work." One of them said.

"What did you do to them?!" I growled.

"You will see them soon." He said before they left again.

Shadow's POV
I was calling Rouge when suddenly the call ended.

"What the...?" I mumbled to myself. I turned around to look at Sonic but I didn't see him.

"Sonic?" I said as I looked around. Where did he go? Before I could give it another thought, I was surrounded by agents and they overpowered me, knocking me out.

Rouge's POV
I slowly opened my eyes. What happened? I can't remember passing out. I looked around and noticed I wasn't the only one here.

"Shadow?! Sonic?!" I said.

"Sonic!" Shadow yelled as he sat up.

"Calm down Hun, everything is fine." I said and wiped his tears away.

"What happened?" Shadow asked and looked around. When he saw Sonic, he immediately pulled him into a hug. "Oh Sonic, I thought you were dead." he said as he kissed Sonic's forehead several times.

"Uhm Shadow, he isn't conscious." I said. Shadow looked at me confused before noticing Sonic had his eyes closed. Then he started to panic again. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Can you explain what happened?" Shadow asked as he held Sonic close but made sure he wasn't hurting him.

"G.U.N. is using you. They have taken control of your emotions. And now they captured us. I don't know what they're planning from here." I said.

Shadow's POV
"It can't be any good." I grumbled. I feel so bad for letting G.U.N. just take over my mind like that. Sonic woke up and tackled me into a hug.

"S-Shadow." Sonic started but I cut him off with a kiss. Sonic melted in the kiss and relaxed.

"Awww!" Rouge said with a big smile on her face. I broke the kiss and rubbed Sonic's ear.

"It's okay, you're safe now." I said and held him close.

Sonic's POV
I felt safe in Shadow's arms. The way he held me, the way he spoke to me. Everything was calming.

"We need to get out of here." Rouge said. I nodded as I cuddled with Shadow. I felt cold. I wanted Shadow's warmth.

"And fast." Shadow said as he rubbed my back.

"But how?" I asked. They looked at each other before sighing. Guess we will be here stuck here for a while, hopefully, nothing bad will happen.

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