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Sonic's POV
I slowly opened my eyes and groaned. What happened? The last thing I remember is being crushed by that large robot. I sat up and looked around to see where I was. Dark colored walls and red decorations, Shadow's room. The door was slightly opened and I saw Shadow's head in the opening. I chuckled at the sight, only to feel pain in my chest.

"You're awake. How are you feeling?" Shadow asked as he noticed that I was up. He walked up to me and sat on the bed.

"I'm fine." I answered.

"Your cuts don't hurt?" Shadow asked.

"My cuts?" I said confused and looked at my body to see a few bandages wrapped around my stomach and left arm. "Oh... they don't hurt." I answered. How did I get those?

"For if you're wondering how you get those, after you got unconscious, the robot wanted to take you to Ivo's base but I stopped it before it could... but you got hurt in the process... I'm sorry." Shadow said and looked down at his hands. I placed a hand on his cheek which made him look at me.

"It's okay Shadz. You saved me after all. It doesn't hurt so there is no need to say sorry. All you did was help." I said. Shadow pulled me into a hug.

"You still got hurt because of me." Shadow said.

"It's okay Shadz, really." I said. "But what did Eggman mean?" I asked. Shadow had to know the answer to that. I just knew that.

"Um... well, I guess I better tell you." Shadow said and separated from the hug. I just looked at him confused.

"Tell me what?" I asked.

"Well... um... You see, I um have feelings for you. And uhm... I never told you because I was afraid you didn't feel the same way as I did." Shadow said as he messed with his inhibitor rings. Does he mean it the way I think he does?

"S-So um you mean you love me." I said and I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Yes, I love you Sonic." Shadow said as he leaned closer to me. I blushed madly when he placed his lips against mine. Shadow had his eyes closed as he held my waist. I shyly kissed back and closed my eyes. We stayed like this for a few seconds before I broke the kiss to get some air into my lungs.

"Since you told me your story, I guess I can tell mine too. I have liked you for a long time. But since you never showed kindness towards me, I knew you didn't feel the same way. I just gave up since I thought you and I would never be a thing. But I would always try to be friends with you because well... I still had feelings for you." I said.

"So you love me too?" Shadow asked.

"Didn't the kiss answer that question for you?" I said and poked his nose.

"Maybe... maybe not. But I would like to get another one." Shadow said as a smirk formed on his muzzle.

"Today is your lucky day then because I still have one left." I said and chuckled afterward.

"Just one, what disappointing." Shadow said and held me close.

"Oh hush." I said before I kissed him. Shadow immediately kissed me back, fast reflexes.

Shadow's POV
Sonic lips connected to mine again, and of course, I kissed back. I liked having his lips against mine. I held Sonic close against me as he wrapped his arms around my neck. I wished we could stay like this forever but we have to get air sometime. Sonic tilted his head to deepen the kiss. I kissed him with all my passion for him. I love him so much and now I have him as mine. Well I just need to ask him if he wants to be my boyfriend but I'm pretty sure he will say yes. After a while, Sonic moved away to get some air. He was panting lightly and had a pink blush on his cheeks. He's cute.

"Sonic, do you want to-" I couldn't even finish my sentence because Sonic immediately responded.

"Yes Shadow, I would love to be your boyfriend." Sonic replied. I smiled and we shared another passionate kiss.

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