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Shadow's POV
Sonic soft lips met mine. I closed my eyes and pulled him against me. Sonic wrapped his arms around my neck and tilted his head to deepen the kiss. Everything was perfect, he was perfect. I broke the kiss and nuzzled his neck.

"S-Shadow." Sonic said, he sounded scared. I moved my head away from his neck and looked at him. He had his eyes closed tightly and his head turned away from me.

"What's wrong my love?" I asked and caressed his cheek. He opened one eye to look at me.

"Y-You're not going to take me?" Sonic asked.

"No, why would I? You seem scared, did I do something wrong?" I asked.

"You don't remember?" Sonic asked and turned to look at me.

"Don't remember what?" I asked, I only noticed now that we were some place else. "What's going on?" I asked. I'm totally confused.

"You don't remember?" Sonic asked and tilted his head to the side. Now I also noticed the blood stains on his collarbone.

"Who did this?" I asked as I moved my thumb over his wound, a bite mark. Sonic whimpered and moved my hand away.

"You did." Sonic said as he looked away from me. It was bruised and looked like it was made by force.

"I'm sorry." I said and backed away from him. I didn't want to hurt him. I didn't even know that I did that to him.

"It's okay Shadow, you weren't yourself." Sonic said.

"No, I might hurt you again and that's something I don't want to happen." I said. Sonic walked up to me and hugged me. "I don't want to hurt you." I said and hugged him back.

"Shhh, it's okay." Sonic said and kissed my cheek. "We will figure out what happened." he said before nuzzling my chest fur.

"I love you." I said and petted his quills.

"I love you too." Sonic said as he purred. "But what do you remember?" he asked.

"I remember that was angry for no reason and that we went to visit Tails." I answered. "Now I think about it, something like this happened before." I said.

"What do you mean?" Sonic asked.

"That day when I treat you to a chili dog, I suddenly felt sad without a reason. I can't remember clearly what happened after that." I explained. "And maybe this is what Omega meant by danger." I said.

"Omega?" Sonic said confused.

"He came to me one day when you were asleep and told me that G.U.N. did something to me." I explained.

"And you never told me!" Sonic said.

"I didn't think he was serious." I said.

"Well, we better go to G.U.N. to get some answers." Sonic said. I nodded and picked him up bridal style.

"Wait! I need to get to Tails first." Sonic said. I placed him back on his feet. He immediately took off running, leaving me alone.

Sonic's POV
I ran downstairs to find Tails. I found him next to Knuckles' body.

"I'm sorry Tails-" I said but I was interrupted.

"Call 911, now!" Tails yelled.

"But Tails, he's dead." I said. I had seen Shadow snap his neck.

"No he's not! Now call 911!" Tails yelled. I ran to get the phone and rang 911. "Sonic! Give me the phone!" He yelled. I ran back to Tails and gave him the phone.

"What's going on here?" Shadow asked as he came downstairs. Tails hid behind me.

"It's okay Tails, he's back to normal again." I said.

"I don't care, get him away from here." Tails said. I know he wouldn't feel safe after what happened. Shadow rolled his eyes as he walked up to us. Tails hid more.

"Shadow you should stay back." I was surprised when Shadow picked me up and walked away. Tails followed us.

"Leave my brother alone!" Tails growled and pulled on Shadow's arm.

"Tails, he's not going to hurt me." I said as Shadow stopped walking. I knew he was getting irritated by Tails.

"But what if he's going to try anything?" Tails asked.

"Don't worry little buddy, I will be fine. You just stay with Knuckles while Shadow takes me." I said and ruffled his fur.

"Just be careful okay." Tails said.

"I'm always careful." I said.

"Yeah and you always get in trouble." Tails said and rolled his eyes.

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