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Shadow's POV
It's been almost a week since Sonic and I started dating. It were the best days of my life. Right now I was eating my dinner. Sonic had cooked once again. One thing is worrying me though. Something is wrong with Sonic. He has been tired lately but refuses to sleep. When I'm coming back from something he seems sad but when he sees me, he smiles. He eats more but sometimes he doesn't want to eat. He keeps spacing out. I know something is wrong but he doesn't want to tell me what.

"Sonic." I said as he finished eating. I wanted to ask him about it again, hoping he would tell me this time. I looked at Sonic only to see that he had fallen asleep. Well, at least he gets some rest now. I sighed and stood up before picking him up.

"I'm awake!" Sonic yelled as his eyes shot open. It startled me that I almost dropped him. He must have felt that I picked him up which made him wake up.

"I thought you were asleep." I said. Sonic looked up at me. He seemed to be confused for a second before he smiled and kissed my cheek. My cheeks heated up. I still need to get used to all the kissy things.

"I wasn't asleep Shadz." Sonic said.

"I could swear you were." I said and walked to the living room and put Sonic down on the couch and sat next to him.

"I'm sure I wasn't asleep." Sonic said.

"Sonic, I know something is wrong. Just tell me. I wanna help you." I said and pulled Sonic into a hug.

"I'm fine Shadz." Sonic said but I knew he was lying. He was hugging me back but I knew he was doing that to make sure I wouldn't worry. I grabbed his shoulders and pushed him away while looking at him with a strict face.

"Stop lying! I know something is wrong! Now stop hiding the truth from me and tell me what's wrong!" I yelled. I didn't mean to make him sad or scared but that is exactly what I did.

"I don't wanna talk about it Shadow." Sonic said and looked away from me.

"I know something is bothering you. I wanna be there for you." I said and placed my hands on his cheeks to make him look at me.

"It's nothing serious... really." Sonic said.

"Just tell me." I said. Sonic sighed and nodded.

"It's Tails." He said and looked down at his hands.

"What about him?" I asked. Tails is Sonic's closest friend, more like family so I know when something happens between them or to him, Sonic will be upset.

"He's sick." Sonic replied. "I have been taking care of him for a while before Knuckles told me to get some rest since I wasn't looking after myself. I forgot to eat and I almost didn't sleep." He said and leaned against me.

"Why didn't you tell me this sooner? I'm your boyfriend now and I want to make sure you're okay. I could have helped you if you told me this sooner." I said as I held him. Sonic simply nodded and cuddled up with me. If I knew this was happening, I would have given him enough time to sleep, even if I needed to force him to sleep, and given him extra food so he wasn't starving.

"I just didn't want to bother you with this." Sonic said which shocked me. Does he really think this would bother me?

"You don't bother me with this. You can always tell me what's wrong, know that." I said and petted his quills.

"Thanks Shadz... for being there for me." Sonic said and nuzzled my chest fur which made me purr lightly.

"Anytime Sonic, anytime." I said. "Now let's do something about this problem."

"How?" Sonic asked as he looked up at me.

"I'm gonna cook something for you so you have something to eat." I said and pushed Sonic away gently before standing up.

"You know you don't have to do that." Sonic said.

"I wanna." I said and went to the kitchen. Sonic followed me.

"I really can't stop you, can I?" Sonic asked and leaned against one of the walls of the kitchen.

"You can't." I said. Sonic chuckled and shook his head.

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