The Call From Afar

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When we were together I thought that:

It Won't Ever Be The Same If I Would Kiss Another Girl Instead Of You.

It Won't Ever Be The Same If I Hug Another Girl Instead Of You.

It Won't Ever Be The Same If I Just Look Another Girl deeply in to Her Eyes Instead Of Yours.

You gave me the Feeling to survive.

You gave me back all those things I lost.

But as if I besieged over a curse things went all wrong.

And now you're gone and I'm all alone.

The time we had was one of the best I've ever had.

I myself was so strong like I was never before.

I myself was praised by the luck.

Sadness is still over me, because I thought we could be together again.

Even so:

The Person I so adored and loved is gone.

Nevertheless I loved you, but I guess it was wrong of me to think that this finally could go

in that way

In that way we all hope when we finally meet someone we all dying to love each and every other day.

I want to give you my highest gratitude for the memories which by the way still hunting me every day.

Even so I still think of you and wonder how you do. If you're okay or not. Wonder what I had to do to get an other ending.

Wonder what I had to do to convince you to my immortal love for you, because I thought that

No One Can Replace You ❤

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