The Fox and The Wolf

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As we first met I brought you a single rose, which I gave you with no voice.

I was so nervous around you that I lost myself and showed my shy self.

Even though we met us so many times.

And I thought we made a good team in solving riddles.

I thought we made a good team in one of your favourite sports.

I thought we made a good team in dancing rock n roll.

But then after all this beautiful moments, I found out you had no single emotion for me.

Because you were scared of being so unlucky again when you would be with me.

I saw no other choice then and so I let you go...

But that was a big mistake...

After this tragical final moment with you. Even after all this months we spent together. After everything...

I wanted...

I wanted to be with you again.

I wanted to see you smile again.

I wanted to laugh with you again.

I wanted to see your fox alike hair again.

I wanted to see your blue eyes again.

I wanted to say that it was you that I so long have waited for.

And now we don't talk and even write anymore.

As if everything had never happen before.

As if I just dreamt all this wonderful memories with you.

Even when you hurt my feelings in saying your answer to my question.

The memories with you can never fade away.

They stay in my mind and you too.

My heart will always belong to you.

And I will forever howl to the moon for you.

You were the fox and I was the wolf.

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