The Feeling Of Being Invisible

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There I was...

Standing on the brink of a cliff with such a big despair and anger.

And with my anger a dark storm appeared like I've never seen before.

The lightning and thunder gave me an unpleasant feeling.

The rain has falling stronger after each and every second.

My clothes has become wet and heavy.

My body temperature was going down and the cold fangs embrace me more and more.

I asked to the sky: "Why can't anyone see me and love me like I am?"

The answer came fast, right after the next thunder:

"You try always your best to be such a lovely and kind hearted guy.

You try always your best and give all your strength to convince the girl that you are the right One for being in love with.

Though I see untill now you never had the chance and sadly...

...Failed again and again.

No matter how hard you try no one will see you as the One.

No one will see what a great heart you have.

As you might have discovered before. Everyone around you hasn't got the ability to see you. They fear you. They are all blind. For them you are:


I wanted to make a step without a single thought of regret.

I wanted to fall off the cliff I was standing and drown into the cold depths of the sea.

The thunder appeared and with it the voice:

"Wait don't do such a thing!

You are precious for the world!

Think about all the loved ones around you. What will they do without you?

Believe me the one who will brighten up your life will come for you.

And for this certain One you won't be invisible anymore."

In this moment in which I stepped back, the storm passed by and right behind me were all my friends and my family.

They see me and accept me like I am.

They give me the support I need for the days for which I have to be strong and mighty.

I went to all of them and all their hearts gave me the warmth to let go of the cold.

From what I've learnt so far, we don't have to give up the hope.

We just have to be patient and than our One will come.

So fear not and keep the thought of having all your loved ones around you to make you happy when you feel sad.

Than this is the bright light that never fades away.

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