The Girl On My Way Home

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Sure you had it once too.
You saw a girl or a boy alone on your way back home.

I was in that situation once too.

I saw her not only once, I saw her twice, three times and even more, but everytime it was just by accident.

And everytime I stared at her I thought that she looked like the beautiful Kirsten Stewart from Twillight but even better and sweeter than her.

Everytime when I saw you, it was late and the moon was already smiling with its light.

Everytime you were alone.

Everytime I wasn't able to make the step that was in my head all along.

Then the time has come when I was finally ready.

Though it was already too late...

You weren't there anymore on my way home.

I missed my chance and I thought I would never see you again.

I thought wrong...

A few days ago I couldn't believe my own two eyes what I've seen while I was at one of my favourite places.

It was you I've seen.

You, the beautiful elvish girl.
The better looking version of Kirsten Stewart.

But standing right next to you was a tall and masculine guy.

At this moment I knew it was already too late for me.

Like I heard a voice, which was calling to me: "It is your very own fault you had your chance and now someone else was braver than you."

Unlucky me, I see you more often than before and I don't know what to do with my feelings for you.

Your name is still unknown.

Though there is something in me which is crying to know your name.

Should I go to you and asking at least for your name?

Was this man next to you your love whom you gave your heart to?

Or have I seen it wrong?

Is this riddle worth to solve or should it be unsolved?

No one knows


I know.

But for now in my memory you always will be:

The Girl On My Way Home

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