The New Little Luck in The Family

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At first you were so tiny that I could hold you in my arms while you had your eyes closed and dreamt about everything you just have seen.

I just wrote a little song for you that will remind you how you slept in your tiny bed.

The second year is here.

You've learnt so much in this short two years.

You've learnt how you can walk like us grown ups.

You've learnt how you can eat like a little fine lady.

You've learnt to speak, even when your vocabulary is just so tiny, but that doesn't matter because it's sooo cute.

A short while ago, you've learnt to give me high fives, and that's so cool.

And the most important thing....

You've learnt even more how you can reach our heart for loving you.

You still give us so much happiness.

First your smile and your laughter, it gives us everytime the need to laugh with you.

Second your shiny blue eyes and your beautiful blonde hair, it shows us that angels really exist, even when your behaviour is like a little hobgoblin.

But we don't care about it. We care about you as if you would be our very own child.

We will always love you and we will always be here for you.

I, as your proudest uncle ever, I'm so lucky to have you as my little niece, and that's why I try everything to be the very best uncle for you.

You are our little luck in our family.

And you will it ever be.

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