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With poems we can reflect all our emotions, feelings and how we see all the unique things around us.

Words are more than anything...

...Especially when these words are written down, so they can stay there forever and can be read again and again.

And that's why I started to write my own poems.

Some advice: I'm maybe not the very best in writing poems but I think each and everyone of us has to begin his or her journey somewhere.

So please feel free to leave a comment if you like my poems or if they aren't worthy to read at all. I'm not biting or get mad at you. :) A feedback is what makes us stronger and better in all things we like to do.

Also I wanna let you know that this work isn't allowed to copy, because it would make me sad if someone would do this crime. So if anyone would see quite the same poems like I wrote here, please let me know or write immediately to the support team from wattpad. I thank you for that.

Copyright © by Michael_Okami


Enjoy it and have a great day or night you can choose what's right.


Michael Okami

Our Life Written In PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now