The Angel Of The Night (Part 2)

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Recently I felt the bright and warm light again while I was outside in the black and cold night.

This time our eyes met and we greeted us from afar.

From the start you were there with your best friend and some other friends of yours.

I was literally shocked to see you...
No! I was blinded by the strong and bright light.

And guess what... my heart was beating as if I would get a heart attack sooner or later.

I didn't have the strength to come to you, I was like the darkness which would die in front of you.

Though somehow you were suddenly behind me tipping with your fingers on my back.

The whole atmosphere was different then.

Even when you were standing right behind me I survived and the darkness was no more.

It was like as if you gave me a little something of your light.

'Cuz after we talked I was smiling all the time and felt something had changed in me.

You gave me the feeling of happiness and something more...

But this something more... I actually can't describe it...

'Cuz it's:

Beyond All Description.

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