5 Seconds of Summer

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This is a request from @Disneybitch!

What they would say.

John: *squints* Is that The Band That Shall Not Be Named?

George: *squints* It looks like they're missing one. He must have got hit by a bus or something.

Ringo: *confused* Who is The Band That Shall Not Be Named?

Paul: *rolls eyes* They're talking about One Direction, and no, this is not them. This is 5 Seconds of Summer.

John: In what horrid universe does summer only last five seconds?

George: Exactly what I was wondering.

Paul: It's just their name, and they aren't that bad.

Ringo: I actually like some of their songs, especially "Amnesia."

John: I don't agree with those pants.

George: Hey, they look like Paul's. Don't you wear pants like that, Paul?

Paul: What? No!

Ringo: I just saw you wear them yesterday.

Paul: Okay, I wear them from time to time.

John: *mutters* More like ALL the time.

Paul: What was that?

John: Nothing.

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