Playing Video Games

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What they would do.

John: *would play Call of Duty just so he could sing "Give Peace a Chance" and a make a point how horrible war is*

Paul: *would play MarioKart and chew all the princesses out for being sassy*

George: *would play Farcry 4 just because it is set in India*

Ringo: *would play Kirby and the Rainbow Curse because he thought everything else was too scary*

What they would say.

John: *yells* Do you idjits know how much this war is costing you?!? *throws a grenade at someone* Is this really worth it? *whips out his sniper rifle and smokes someone* You even have dogs in the middle of this! *runs away from a dog and then into a minefield where he blows up* Oh, look I died. I think we should get together and sing for a change instead of letting dogs loose on each other and accidentally running into a minefield, okay? Here we go. Come on, everybody! All we are saying is give peace a chance! All we are saying is give peace a chance! Hey, how dare you shoot me when I'm singing!!!

Paul: Stop throwing red shells at me, Peach! Also, stop being the sassiest person around here! We all know I, James Paul McCartney, am the sassiest person in the real world and in the MarioKart world. Wait. Did you just ~ Oh, that's it. You're so done. Here comes a blue bomb heading your way. That'll fix her pink wagon.

George: This is so inaccurate. That mountain should be over there and the lake should be where the mountain is. And last time I checked, there weren't man-eating eagles in India. Ouch! I just got mauled by an oversized piranha! Back, back, you vile creature! They don't have six-foot long piranhas either! Man, I'm going to call this game company and tell them where they can jam it.

Ringo: Excuse me, Kirby, but submarines are yellow, not pink. And why did this jerk have to come along and drain all the color from your planet? That's rude! Who could do that to Kirby? I mean, he's so cute and pink! What ever happened to peace and love? *tears well up in his eyes* This is so sad. I think I need a tissue! *starts all-out sobbing*

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